Crims's latest activity

  • Crims
    Crims reacted to Hitcore's post in the thread NerdZone is rebranding with Like Like.
    You know, I kinda like it. The name alone does have the potential to spark discussion. What is reality? Is it the rock that's floating...
  • Crims
    Crims reacted to Retro's post in the thread The Garfield Movie with Like Like.
    I watched this 2024 film on Sky Cinema and liked it very much, more than I expected to in fact and that's why I'm writing this post. I...
  • Crims
    Crims replied to the thread Neill Blomkamp films.
    Not a lot to add here, I'm a big Blomkamp fan since he's one of the last noteworthy sci-fi writer-directors I've been keeping my eye on...
  • Crims
    Crims reacted to Retro's post in the thread The Brexit Thread with Like Like.
    Please sign this petition to apply for the UK to join the European Union as a full member as soon as possible. You don't need to give...
  • Crims
    I can't say I'm happy with the state of affairs of modern internet use, it's practically asking us to not use Twitter etc. That being...
  • Crims
    Crims reacted to Hitcore's post in the thread Hello there... with Like Like.
    ...and greetings from a 43 year old Dutchy with a strong sense of nostalgia for everything 80s and 90s, whether that be music, movies...
  • Crims
    It's rare that I side with a big corporation over the little guy, but this is one of those exceptions. It's not right that people sit...
  • Crims
    Crims reacted to Astro What's post in the thread NerdZone is rebranding with Like Like.
    I thought it was rather snappy. And if he had not registered it, I probably would have just to have for possible future use/resell.
  • Crims
    Crims replied to the thread NerdZone is rebranding.
    Love graphic design, UI UX was always around the corner for me and never got into it. Maybe something creative should start on here?
  • Crims
    Crims reacted to Retro's post in the thread The Climate Change Thread with Like Like.
    Unsurprisingly, a recurrance of the 40C heatwave of 2022 is becoming more likely as the planet continues to warm. I experienced it and...
  • Crims
    Crims replied to the thread NerdZone is rebranding.
    @Retro This is the best time to have a confidence in the forum brand. There's no better alternative: most people that have forum name...
  • Crims
    Crims replied to the thread NerdZone is rebranding.
    The best thing about Nerdzone imho is the shorthand NZ, and while xenForums has its appeal it lacks the utility that the current domain...
  • Crims
    Crims reacted to Retro's post in the thread MeFree - You Know with Like Like.
    There's so much great music out there that one never hears on the radio, such as this tuneful electronic track from 2018. Great bass...
  • Crims
    Crims reacted to Retro's post in the thread The Twitter thread with Love Love.
    This is retarded. Sounds like it came from some low budget craptastic sci-fi movie. Note the sinister connotation with his new avatar...
  • Crims
    Crims reacted to Nebulous's post in the thread Chit Chat Thread with Like Like.
    Thanks for the tip. I still had a hosting plan leftover that is paid up for a couple years after selling my site so I figured I'd do...
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