Hitcore's latest activity

  • Hitcore
    Hitcore replied to the thread General Funnies.
    Sweden and Iceland have some rather interesting names for Batman. Here are the translations:
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  • Hitcore
    Hitcore reacted to EGPRC's post in the thread The Monty Hall problem with Like Like.
    What creates the disparity is the fact that the host is not revealing a door randomly but instead it is assumed as a rule that he knows...
  • Hitcore
    Hitcore reacted to Retro's post in the thread The Monty Hall problem with Like Like.
    Indeed, the fact that Monty knows where the car is and hence will never reveal it is the key to this. Welcome to NerdZone Forums @EGPRC :)
  • Hitcore
    Hitcore replied to the thread The Monty Hall problem.
    I've watched every video, Retro, and I must say: that is really interesting. But... theory is nice 'n all, so I wanted to test it in...
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  • Hitcore
    Hitcore reacted to Retro's post in the thread The Monty Hall problem with Like Like.
    Ok, I've now looked at it properly, critically, I've also drunk the koolaid, and can confirm that the theory is right: you should switch...
  • Hitcore
    Hitcore replied to the thread The Monty Hall problem.
    So picrelated is what's causing them to say: "ThErE aRe MoRe WiNNinG sCeNaRiOs WiTh sWiTcHiNg So MaThEmAtTiCaLLy tHiS iS pRoOf!!!!11one"...
    • Screenshot_20250308-231926.webp
  • Hitcore
    Hitcore reacted to Retro's post in the thread The Monty Hall problem with Like Like.
    Haha I love that. 🤣 Thing is, it's been mathematically proven, allegedly. Normally when things like this don't quite make sense, I let...
  • Hitcore
    Hitcore reacted to Retro's post in the thread The Monty Hall problem with Like Like.
    Yeah, I agree, something doesn't compute there and it confused me. When that happens, it's usually because something doesn't make sense...
  • Hitcore
    Hitcore reacted to Mars's post in the thread The Monty Hall problem with Like Like.
    Don't have time to listen to it all now, but I have immediately found a flaw in the explanation: in the 100 doors example the 'skipped'...
  • Hitcore
    Hitcore reacted to Retro's post in the thread The Monty Hall problem with Like Like.
    Here's a great explanation of the Monty Hall problem with great graphics and clear dialog on the Fexl channel. If you want to read...
  • Hitcore
    Hitcore replied to the thread The Monty Hall problem.
    With two doors left, there is a 50/50 shot, no matter how much they overcomplicate this. I'm the kind of person who can't be bothered...
  • Hitcore
    Hitcore replied to the thread The Garfield Movie.
    You know what, Retro, you've convinced me, I am going to watch this. I could use a feelgood cat flick like this. 🐱
  • Hitcore
    Hitcore reacted to Retro's post in the thread The Garfield Movie with Like Like.
    I watched this 2024 film on Sky Cinema and liked it very much, more than I expected to in fact and that's why I'm writing this post. I...
  • Hitcore
    Hitcore reacted to Retro's post in the thread Neill Blomkamp films with Like Like.
    This film sounds right up my street. It's available on Sky Cinema in glorious UHD HDR, so will watch it soon.
  • Hitcore
    Hitcore reacted to Tiffany's post in the thread Neill Blomkamp films with Like Like.
    I haven't seen the other films but I've seen Chappie. Good movie!
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