Recent content by Hitcore

  1. Hitcore

    The Anti-Car Thread

    1000 bicycles.... as a Dutch person: peanuts! 😅 Lo and behold: With virtually no car parking spaces. And it works. But us Dutchies have a bicycle culture that's like no other. Though I understand how this concept can be problematic for the Cambridge South station. What may work for Dutch...
  2. Hitcore

    NerdZone is rebranding

    I dunno man, get Mia Khalifa (who is sporting some awesome nerdy glasses 🤓) to promote the NerdHub and just watch the userbase grow in real-time. is available. 😁 But jokes aside, fair enough,. If you, deep down, want to abandon the Nerd theme, then so be it. Rock(s)OfReality it is.
  3. Hitcore

    NerdZone is rebranding

    You know, I kinda like it. The name alone does have the potential to spark discussion. What is reality? Is it the rock that's floating through space we live on? Is there more? What if we live in a simulation? Discuss that, and plenty of other things, right here! Or you could get a little bit...
  4. Hitcore

    CAMSPIRE - Stellar Ascent

    Smooth track! Saved!
  5. Hitcore

    General Funnies

    Sweden and Iceland have some rather interesting names for Batman. Here are the translations:
  6. Hitcore

    The Monty Hall problem

    I've watched every video, Retro, and I must say: that is really interesting. But... theory is nice 'n all, so I wanted to test it in practice. I went to the simulator: It seems that no matter what I do, whether I decide to change or...
  7. Hitcore

    The Monty Hall problem

    So picrelated is what's causing them to say: "ThErE aRe MoRe WiNNinG sCeNaRiOs WiTh sWiTcHiNg So MaThEmAtTiCaLLy tHiS iS pRoOf!!!!11one" But if we look closely they are lumping together staying winning reveals into one (Door [x] or Door [x]). It may sound trivial but technically they are...
  8. Hitcore

    The Monty Hall problem

    With two doors left, there is a 50/50 shot, no matter how much they overcomplicate this. I'm the kind of person who can't be bothered with some TV show host's cheap mind tricks and I would just stick with the initially chosen door, I am stubborn like that. If I win a goat, I actually take the...
  9. Hitcore

    The Garfield Movie

    You know what, Retro, you've convinced me, I am going to watch this. I could use a feelgood cat flick like this. 🐱
  10. Hitcore

    Neill Blomkamp films

    INTRODUCTION: Now this is the movie I have been waiting for. Chappie is without a doubt my favorite film by Blomkamp. Some call it "South African Robocop", but it is anything but a cheap copy and very much its own thing. What's also incredibly cool to me is that Die Antwoord (meaning: The...
  11. Hitcore

    General Funnies

    You're welcome, Tiffany. Another good thing to know is that the standard voltage in the US is 120V at 60Hz, while in most of Europe the standard voltage is 230V at 50Hz. If you're traveling between these regions, you need to check if your device supports dual voltage (e.g., "100-240V, 50/60Hz"...
  12. Hitcore

    Affairs Of The Heart - Waterloo Sunset

    M8, it sounds so 80s that while listening to this I think I just shat out a Rubix Cube. 🫠 And 7 glorious minutes indeed. Of the remixes I like the first one slightly better, though I can't really explain why. What a great find, Retro. It feels pretty good to listen to something again after a few...
  13. Hitcore

    Neill Blomkamp films

    INTRODUCTION: While All three films of Blomkamp fit into the sci-fi genre, Elysium probably feels the most sci-fi'y. And I have to agree with Crims here, the way Blomkamp makes these films really sets him apart from others. And that's right, Retro, today it's Elysium's turn. :-) Starring...
  14. Hitcore

    Timeline of football on UK television

    1936 is very impressive. We take it for granted today but back then it must have been mindblowing for the few people who were rich enough to own a television set. English football has a ton of history, with BBC and some other networks capturing both the highlights, but unfortunately also some...
  15. Hitcore

    General Funnies

    Yes it is, Tiffany. Though there are some varieties within Europe, but most are interchangeable, earth/ground positioning aside. Here's an overview: The one you see with the little German flag 🇩🇪 is the most common one in Europe, that type is called Schuko. Where I am originally from (The...
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