Recent content by Nebulous

  1. Nebulous

    Chit Chat Thread

    The weekend is here! Hope you all have a good one! :)
  2. Nebulous

    NerdZone is rebranding

    I say keep the nerd zone name. The other one feels bland and boring.
  3. Nebulous

    XenForo 2.3 is here!

    Yeah that image thing is convenient. I used to put those webp files into gimp and convert them into a png or jpg before uploading to a forum.
  4. Nebulous

    Are 'they' listening?

    My phone is always listening to me. I'll be talking about something random, like, for example, ceiling fans. Next thing I know, I am on my phone or computer and all these advertisements for ceiling fans show up. Why would it be showing me ceiling fan ads when I never physically typed...
  5. Nebulous

    XenForo 2.3 is here!

    Looks and feels the same to me but thanks for the update!
  6. Nebulous

    The official NerdZoner's weather zone! How's your weather today?

    Been in the 50's (F) here lately.
  7. Nebulous

    Chit Chat Thread

    January is finally here! Happy 2025. Hope everyone has a great year. :)
  8. Nebulous

    Chit Chat Thread

    Having people over I think.
  9. Nebulous

    Chit Chat Thread

    Thanks for the tip. I still had a hosting plan leftover that is paid up for a couple years after selling my site so I figured I'd do something with it. This blog is pretty fun, going to stick with it.
  10. Nebulous

    Chit Chat Thread

    So... I made a blog, it was fun putting it together. I think that's the perfect low maintenance type of thing for me to run. Other than that, going to the movies today and tomorrow. Also, it's almost New Years Eve!
  11. Nebulous

    Chit Chat Thread

    Bring on 2025 now!
  12. Nebulous

    Chit Chat Thread

    Merry Christmas (eve) or Merry Christmas (day), whenever you're reading this :D Lets hope 2025 is a good year too!
  13. Nebulous

    Amazing Dog rescues a Kitten

    Aww, how sweet. Good point, the person filming probably wanted to see that kitten get smashed. Unless this was a stationary camera and someone was reviewing the footage later. Kind of looked like a cell phone video to me though.
  14. Nebulous

    Chit Chat Thread

    Hey all, hope your May is going well. How we doing lately?
  15. Nebulous

    Computer: hours per day?

    How many hours per day you spend on your computer (on average)? (poll above)
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