Recent content by petermarkley

  1. petermarkley

    Hello there...

    I also know one other artist involved: one of these tracks is by Prophetica, which was the performer name for Eric Dunne. He was local to my area in Central Ohio. My brother met him once, and my uncle worked with him for some years. I suppose that must be the connection of how this music came...
  2. petermarkley

    Hello there...

    Oh yes and I ought to say, I do in fact have the entire music album that she mentioned “Osmotic Hype.” Of course I knew this was related somehow, but it was pretty foggy since I couldn’t understand her words. This album contains some of my favorite music of all time, which I would listen to...
  3. petermarkley

    Hello there...

    Ah, thank you so much!!! 😄😄😄 Yes indeed! But in fact I did start to understand a few words here and there which are nearly cognates in English, like “producers.” And of course I couldn’t have missed “CD Osmotic Live” which she essentially spoke in English (with a non-English but still quite...
  4. petermarkley

    Hello there...

    During the first 30 seconds of my concert recording, an announcer speaks to introduce things. I believe they're probably speaking Dutch, but I don't know the first thing about it ... Would it be presumptuous for me to ask if you can translate it for me? 😄 Here's a download link of the...
  5. petermarkley

    Hello there...

    I’m not sure how related or unrelated this might be to acidhouse, but I have a recording of a very old EDM concert in Houten, called “Osmotic Live.” I’ve listened to it since I was a kid and am very fond of it. I think my brother got it through a small EDM community he was part of. Not sure of...
  6. petermarkley

    Mains powered analog wall clock built breaking all the rules

    Finally got around to watching the video. What a shame that they soldered the AC mains the wrong way around! The concept wouldn’t have been half as bad if not for that poor execution. At least with the tiny resistor, there’s an identifiable tradeoff that motivated that design choice. Not so...
  7. petermarkley

    “The Final Experiment”

    Dave McKeegan uploaded about 60 new sunspot photos that he previously overlooked. This allowed me to fill in the gap to the far left on the poster! 😄🥳
  8. petermarkley

    Photos of TFE from Space!

    LOL Yes, Michael Toon often says “normal people” instead of “globers.” But if I’m just trying to communicate without taking a dig at flat earthers (however deserved) I often say “globers.” That’s why I say it’s dangerous and evil. It is the most overtly and shockingly dishonest cult belief I...
  9. petermarkley

    Photos of TFE from Space!

    The insidious thing is that this particular cult developed some very hardcore projection techniques in its rhetoric. They will usually accuse globers of “Dunning Kruger” or “cognitive dissonance” before the glober can say it about them. They also call us liars and members of a cult. Every single...
  10. petermarkley

    Photos of TFE from Space!

    It was evident before TFE, but now blatantly undeniable: flat earth is a mind-control cult. They have dogmas that they place above all rational thought, and this trait largely defines the movement. It is dangerous and evil and I certainly understand your frustration. I just have a bit of an...
  11. petermarkley

    Photos of TFE from Space!

    Yeah, there were definitely pros and cons to me spending the first 90+ seconds of the video addressing only flat earthers. Sorry if that was a turnoff from actual science interest
  12. petermarkley

    Photos of TFE from Space!

    I previously posted here about The Final Experiment. Well, turns out that during the TFE trip, NASA's DSCOVR satellite got pictures of Antarctica--which increases the mountain of correlating photographic evidence related to their trip! I made a video about this, as well as some artwork:
  13. petermarkley

    NerdZone is rebranding

    I find that significant rebrands are almost always unpopular to people who recognize the current brand, which can sometimes (note: sometimes, not always) be sort of a false indicator. It basically boils down to homeostasis. People don’t like change. If you have good sound strategy behind your...
  14. petermarkley

    “The Final Experiment”

    I made a poster-style panorama of the 24-hr sun that they captured: This is assembled from photography by Dave McKeegan: His 360deg timelapse His solar photography I have highres versions in a Google Drive folder, up to 600dpi at 22inches wide (or 300dpi at 44in). My hope is to print a copy...
  15. petermarkley

    “The Final Experiment”

    I wasn’t planning to, at least not until I have my telescope back. This is generally a pretty inopportune time for me to do fancy projects and photography, but The Final Experiment motivated me to try anyway. Participating in a worldwide collaboration of getting simultaneous data with them in...
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