Recent content by Uncrowned

  1. Uncrowned

    Facebook is 20 years old today

    Ah yes, now I can get muted for a post I made 20 years ago and can't even find myself, but the bots sure will.
  2. Uncrowned

    UK voted the second most miserable place to live!

    I have also always been skeptical about these types of surveys. My state in the US always rates poorly for a place to live, but no one has ever asked me or anyone I know, who has lived here for 30+ years. We are also voted as one of the best places to travel to and most beautiful states, so I...
  3. Uncrowned

    AI increases gambling addiction and profits

    I don't see AI as the problem here. The problem is that after years of "combating" gambling addiction and "regulation" of the industry, I still get YouTube ads that are literally addiction triggers like a spinning slot wheel with no content or even a message. All the industry wants is addicts...
  4. Uncrowned

    Neuralink - Good or bad?

    Ah, that was not my intention with the post. I do believe that the world should operate with a moral value and that AI should be looked at in a very debated nature when it comes to how much and how far we should develop it. However, my original post was merely my opinion that I do not see a...
  5. Uncrowned

    Neuralink - Good or bad?

    I'm confused. I highly doubt Musk will live long enough to create an AGI and we have no reason to use animals to test a AGI (granted an AGI with the brain of a Honey Badger would make the Terminator movies much more interesting). Nor do I believe it has anything to do with an economy, beyond...
  6. Uncrowned

    Neuralink - Good or bad?

    Neuralink should be held off and needs a lot of testing before anyone should be able to get one implanted in them. However, the current patient base is disabled individuals and I have no reason to stand in the way of allowing them to try it. I cannot truly put myself in the shoes of a person...
  7. Uncrowned

    The guilty pleasures of eating biscuits - and their consequences

    Yes, this is the problem. They need to find a way to add puzzles of something to prevent easy access.
  8. Uncrowned

    Is consuming palm oil good or bad?

    This seems to sum it up. Some health benefits that can be acquired elsewhere and it is probably a negative effect if overused. Sadly, the few news and media reports that is it a superfood or the like will result in more destruction than anything good research can counter.
  9. Uncrowned

    Has your musical taste stagnated after the age of 30?

    It is hard for me to honestly answer this as I have always enjoyed a vast array of music and still do today. I'm over 30, so it may technically not be a growing list, but with nearly all genres on the list to begin with, it would be hard to tell.
  10. Uncrowned

    (does a little dance to get your attention)

    Welcome back to forums! It is a great community here with good activity and a lot of information topics.
  11. Uncrowned

    Could microbes help turn plastic pollution into useful chemicals?

    I doubt any single nation will own up to taking in all of the plastic waste and storing it. Burning it is not really an acceptable method of removing plastic waste and the current solution of dumping it all in Africa is starting to unravel. So, it would need to be a multi-nation approach, with...
  12. Uncrowned

    Warning for content creators: you can get a copyright strike on your private videos

    I'd say this also emphasizes why creators need to ensure they have multiple outlets for their community and subscribers. Sadly these changes, often undisclosed, can actually be devastating if all of a sudden a creator logs in and is baned for having three copyright strikes against their account...
  13. Uncrowned

    What If Light Was Really Slow?

    That would certainly make driving down the road a whole different story.
  14. Uncrowned

    Breakthrough: repairing the brain with 3D printed cells

    If this works it could be a massive improvement to so many people's quality of life.
  15. Uncrowned

    Vitamin or mineral supplements could help tumours to grow

    I am a bit curious about the study itself as the article hints that levels found in natural foods are safe. I thought it is fairly well researched that taking beyond 100% of your daily intake of any vitamin was bad and fat soluble vitamins over 100% can easily cause an overdose or toxicity. So...
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