(does a little dance to get your attention)


23 Nov 2022
6 (0.01/day)
Apparently I joined this forum last year in what had to had been a state of mania because I genuinely have no memory of registering.

But anyways, hiya, I'm KJ and I'm happy to be here. It's been a while since I joined a forum, and I'm excited to see this one seems active so I'll be browsing and posting whenever something catches my eye or whatever, maybe I'll drop my social security and see what happens. We'll see.

I'm 30yos by the way, how old is everyone here? I imagine we have varying ages, but I hope to interact with people around the same age. Where are you 90s depressed bad bitches with bad backs?

(Also I bought an older laptop a while ago for nostalgia reasons but I can't seem to connect to my wi-fi so I'll be asking for help for that later okay bye)


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
Hi Kitschy, welcome to NerdZone Forums, great to have you with us! 😎

I'm a little older than 30, looking at that age longingly in the rear view mirror lol.

We'll be happy to help you with your laptop.


23 Nov 2022
6 (0.01/day)
Hi Kitschy, welcome to NerdZone Forums, great to have you with us! 😎

I'm a little older than 30, looking at that age longingly in the rear view mirror lol.

We'll be happy to help you with your laptop.

Thank you so much!! Super looking forward to posting around some more. And thanks in advance for the laptop help lol.

Welcome to Nerdzone @kitschy!

Thank you!! Nice to meet ya.


23 Nov 2022
6 (0.01/day)
Welcome back to forums! It is a great community here with good activity and a lot of information topics.

Hello there, super late but thanks a bunch!!

I've been gone for a while, been super out of it mentally. I always had this forum on a tab so I wouldn't forget about it, so here I am again.

Hope everyone has been okay and having a good 2024 so far.
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