That might be an issue. In the old days, the term nerd was offensive. But I don't think it carries the weight that it used to now.
I gladly tell folks that I'm a computer nerd/geek. Just look at Best Buy and their use of the name Geek Squad. That's not considered offensive. And geek was more offensive than nerd.
I've always felt that geek fits me better than nerd. Hey, everyone's different.
Some will be human spammers prepping accounts for later. Due to sign up fields I use I can usually weed those out fairly quickly and I place them manually in a special group that places all their posts into moderation in case they come back later and post spam. If they come back later and are posting on topic for the niche I'll remove them from that moderated group. If they post spam, they get placed in another group that they can't post and is read only. That way the account information (email/IP) is kept for future use.
Oh yes, I've got measures to counter such potential spammers too, of course. Can't really say much about it in public for obvious reasons.
Hobbies cost money. I look at it as an extension of my astrophotography hobby as it gives me a place I'm comfortable with generating content on without having to worry about offending the owner/admin of another site.
Yup, they can be expensive alright. Saw a documentary on model train enthusiasts a while back and they can spend eye watering amounts on their hobby. Those layouts look great, though. I like trains too and have some interest in them. I had them as a kid - Z gauge - so many moons ago now, but they're not my hobby as I'm so into computers. They could well be in another life though.
I look at it as an extension of my astrophotography hobby as it gives me a place I'm comfortable with generating content on without having to worry about offending the owner/admin of another site.
This is one of the biggest reasons why I started nerdzone, as I love internet forums, but couldn't stand the bullying and heavyhandedness of mods and admins on other sites. This was especially so when trolls would harrass me.
I'm quite able to look after myself and know how to put them down in just the right way (offensive, disdain, contempt, killer retorts etc) that it takes all the profit out of it for them and it's effective at shutting them up, but then the fucking mods usually stepped in to hit me for "breaking their forum rules".

They would at times censor my posts and sanction me, while leaving the troll's posts up, as if
they hadn't broken their precious rules in the first place! That was incredibly infuriating and really ruined the forum experience. Some troll tries that on here and it's a different story.

Thankfully, I've only ever had a small handful of them on here and they didn't last long.
The other VPS's that I am hosting sites on are only around $12 a month out of pocket costs, and I quit drinking coffee from the boutiques so that amounts to about 1 large Breve a month and I easily drank 12-15 of those.
You junkie you! The Retro Approvez.