Salem Witch Trials Revisited and Disappearing Values


Active member
2 Sep 2024
31 (0.70/day)
A few years back, during the reign of Trump, I posted a blog about the Salem Witch trials and what it means today. (I tried to get the below link to do a preview but it seems not to pull).

As the atmosphere is still the same, roughly, and we have a looming Donald waiting to pounce (not the duck, the orange man), it seems a good topic for discussion perhaps. Will we ever get back to more peaceful, more caring times? Do we really have to hate people who are different than us? Noting that since we are not clones, EVERYONE is different than each other.

Here's another on how our values seem to have disappeared, which I posted on my author site. Sorry for two reads in one thread but they are focusing on the same sort of topic.



Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,398 (2.62/day)
Interesting perspective and comparison of the witch trials in the late 1600's to today's current political atmosphere on many polarizing social and world view issues.

Great blog post on the loss of values, pertinently written at the time and still relevant today.

As long as we are a house divided, there will never be any peace. People can come together once again if they will leave their hate somewhere else.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,563 (4.52/day)
(I tried to get the below link to do a preview but it seems not to pull).

I tested it in the forum ACP and this is why. All the fields have to be populated for it to work, but only one is:

URL unfurl test.PNG

By comparison, here are the results of putting the link to this thread in the tester:


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,563 (4.52/day)
data66, that's a great article on why on the divisions screwing up America and yes, you can put them at the feet of Donald Trump. With his populist bullshit, he's singlehandedly enormously inflamed all the tensions, divisions and fear that were already there and created new ones. He's caused many deaths with his handling of covid and the Jan 6 insurrection, wants to be a dictator from day one and hand Ukraine to Putin on a silver platter.

He's a totally useful idiot to Putin and so many other bad things that we talk about in the Trump downfall thread. It really doesn't get much worse than this and it beggars belief how about half the population can't see this.


Active member
2 Sep 2024
31 (0.70/day)
The problem isn't just here either. His hatred has festered around the world and even has neo-nazi crap building in Germany. What happened to "never again" for that? Rocketing towards a dark era unless we all take a stand against it. I don't think the haters outnumber those of us who want more peaceful lives, they just yell louder. Time to find a voice?


5 Aug 2022
842 (1.05/day)
I've recently read a few of the witch trials here in the UK and at the end of the day it's a debate over the underlying culture the country accepts. There's always stuff that is approved and stuff that is condemned for one reason or another.
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