When I do online financial transactions I usually check the https padlock. Click on it at it tells you connection is secure (assuming it is), more info gives gives the Certificate Authority. Even more information enables the certificate to be viewed.
Now a whole host of info becomes available, sha256 and sha-1 fingerprints, subject and authority key IDs.
Without getting paranoid (maybe am already) what can one further check with this data? I use sha256 to verify certain download images but absolutely no idea what the sha fingerprints are and how of if they can be checked.
Any suggestions appreciated.
Just coz I am paraoid don't mean they are not out to get me
Now a whole host of info becomes available, sha256 and sha-1 fingerprints, subject and authority key IDs.
Without getting paranoid (maybe am already) what can one further check with this data? I use sha256 to verify certain download images but absolutely no idea what the sha fingerprints are and how of if they can be checked.
Any suggestions appreciated.
Just coz I am paraoid don't mean they are not out to get me