Recent content by Draconis

  1. Draconis


    Oh yes!! The longest I ever stayed up was for 72 hours. When I finally got back on my pills in early 2007, I first stayed up that long, then slept for 2 days straight. I was then like "ahhhh...." hehehhehe
  2. Draconis


    Yes of course. hehe Indeed. I was staying up for 30 hours at a time and wrote some of the most amazing shit. 😁
  3. Draconis


    I did somewhat enjoy the Silent Hill movies. Even if just for the gore and eye candy. hehe
  4. Draconis

    1990s research to help create error-free qubits

    I love it. I think the human brain is an organic quantum computer. Some scientists say quantum strangeness may be what allows consciousness.
  5. Draconis

    The Veronicas - Untouched

    Love this band!! :D
  6. Draconis


    I went off all meds in Jan. 2006 and was basically manic until Oct. of that year. Crazyness!
  7. Draconis

    Why There Will Never Be Another Movie Like Borat

    It looks kind of dumb. hhehehe
  8. Draconis


    Late 2005 was the year I moved out of my parent's house. I embarked on a journey that eventually changed my entire life!
  9. Draconis


    Awesome movie!! I've seen it a couple times. :)
  10. Draconis

    Facebook is 20 years old today

    I deleted my Facebook several years ago. Will never go back. It's shit. lol
  11. Draconis

    The Action Lab breaks ChatGPT with paradoxes

    Thanks! :) My favorite AI mess up is when I'm using it to write code, and suddenly, for no reason, it starts replying in Spanish. :ROFLMAO: I have to tell it to use English. hehehhehe
  12. Draconis

    Gmail turns 20 today

    I've had a Gmail for at least that long. I first got on-line in 1997. If I remember correctly, I actually was given an invite code to Gmail!
  13. Draconis

    The Action Lab breaks ChatGPT with paradoxes

    I'm too tired to follow the link. lol What is the paradox prompt? :D
  14. Draconis

    chill cyber techno!

    Oh nice!! :)
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