Recent content by FF

  1. F

    NerdZone is rebranding

    The domain is def worth holding on to tho lol
  2. F

    NerdZone is rebranding

    Imo, xenforums seems bland and uninspired, while nerdzone felt quirky and had character. Also youve already rebranded quite a bit :) Up to you in the end tho!
  3. F

    Watch out: giant cats on the line!

    I love the creativity of the internet when it comes to Incorporating cats Into everything
  4. F

    Net neutrality: a casualty of the corrupt Trump administration

    I remember this from 2019. Insanity.
  5. F

    The first American presidential debate timetable (27 June 2024)

    It's looking like we're in for another 4 years under Trump. The contrast between 2020 and 2024 for Biden is crazy
  6. F

    The first American presidential debate timetable (27 June 2024)

    This was a disaster.
  7. F

    3000 feet up: the world's scariest ladder!

    No thanks, I don't even like to climb normal ladders.
  8. F

    Crocs pass up opportunity to chow down on stranded dog

    What a crazy story. Could have ended so badly, but turned out wholesome. I still won't decide go swimming with crocs any time soon, if I can help it.
  9. F

    Chit Chat Thread

    I didn't even know one could put a member back in the moderation queue. That's too bad.
  10. F

    Chit Chat Thread

    @aussiefooty I noticed you're migrating your forum to Vbulletin 5. Is there a reason why you didn't stick with xenforo or go with vbulletin 6?
  11. F

    First world problems

    Just caught a cold today, for second time since the pandemic started. Sometimes I do miss masks!
  12. F

    Competition01: closed. Let's get to 1000 posts anyway

    Aww, those are great pics!
  13. F

    The Climate Change Thread

    Sounds about right. It's quite disturbing that we're seeing these huge changes in our short lifetimes, rather than over millions of years like before.
  14. F

    The Climate Change Thread

    Well I guess I don't know what the weather is like over in the UK during September
  15. F

    The Climate Change Thread

    It's crazy that we're breaking heat records in September.
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