Recent content by markransome

  1. markransome

    NerdZone is rebranding

    xenForums, is that because it uses the XenForo script to run it?
  2. markransome

    Real flying model Concorde

    Absolutely amazing! It must take a lot of dedication and time to build something like that, after all it's not like you can just by a kit off the shelf! And again, hat's off to the pilot, I wonder if they had any mishaps trying to learn to fly it? :)
  3. markransome

    Real flying model SR-71 Blackbird

    That is simply amazing! Gobsmacked!! o_O Hats off to the pilot as well! (y)
  4. markransome

    Nuclear rockets are on the way

    I think the current idea is to launch the rocket initially with a traditional rocket stage to get it in orbit at which point the nuclear rocket won't be active or live, this won't be activated/made live until it's safely in orbit, therefore if the rocket blows up within the atmosphere there...
  5. markransome

    Nuclear rockets are on the way

    I don't think I mean't that! Take a look at the following YouTube video from the US Archives: I think this is more along the lines. :cool:
  6. markransome

    Mark Here!

    Cats and computers? Mine just likes to trample on the keyboard when I'm not looking causing mayhem! 😂
  7. markransome

    Nuclear rockets are on the way

    When I talk about a nuclear rocket as above I'm talking about nuclear fission not fusion. They do work, they started messing around with them in the 50's and as I understand it is this what NASA and DARPA will be testing. I think the main problems earlier were safety (public concern!) and...
  8. markransome

    Nuclear rockets are on the way

    Nuclear seems to be the only feasible and realistic way at the moment with our current technology, it's bound to happen eventually until we find other answers to other technologies such as "Anti-matter" which could be a future possibility! :eek:
  9. markransome

    Mark Here!

    Hi, I'm Mark, nice to be here! I like tech especially science and space advances and I live on my own with two cats! :D 🐱🐈
  10. markransome

    Just joined as recommended by @Tiffany ! ;)

    Just joined as recommended by @Tiffany ! ;)
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