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I believe I'm posting this in the correct area and that it conforms to the rules. If not, please remove/move. This thread is in regards to endangered species and a wake up call for some animals we may never see again. Some may surprise you to find on the list. I will link the IFAW website as they were founded in 1969 and are still highly involved in conservation. The post I'm referencing is:
and the images are all safe, nothing gory or bad.
You'll note when you read down the list that a theme throughout is the human factor in the loss of these beautiful creatures if nothing is done.
In the list is the box turtle. We have box turtles here and they've been endangered for a while now. Though this list shows the Asia box turtle.
I knew about rhinos, elephants and gorilla, as well as big cats. I didn't know about the spider monkeys and macaw. Some of the creatures in that article, I had never seen or heard of. They are unique and beautiful.
I wanted to get a sound from a Pangolin but apparently, they have no vocal cords. Instead, here's a Vaquitas porpoise, only less than 20 left in the world.

16 of the world’s most endangered animals
The IUCN classifies nearly 4,000 species as critically endangered, meaning they face such severe threats that they could soon become extinct in the wild.

and the images are all safe, nothing gory or bad.
You'll note when you read down the list that a theme throughout is the human factor in the loss of these beautiful creatures if nothing is done.
In the list is the box turtle. We have box turtles here and they've been endangered for a while now. Though this list shows the Asia box turtle.
I knew about rhinos, elephants and gorilla, as well as big cats. I didn't know about the spider monkeys and macaw. Some of the creatures in that article, I had never seen or heard of. They are unique and beautiful.
I wanted to get a sound from a Pangolin but apparently, they have no vocal cords. Instead, here's a Vaquitas porpoise, only less than 20 left in the world.