I can just about accept that a bigger battery may charge faster through some cascade reaction, but where does it get this limitless power from?
Sounds science fiction, right? Well, apparently not, but we must temper our expectations for now as it's still just an idea, although one allegedly based on real physics. Check out these articles on it, all reporting slightly different aspects of this news.
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Sounds science fiction, right? Well, apparently not, but we must temper our expectations for now as it's still just an idea, although one allegedly based on real physics. Check out these articles on it, all reporting slightly different aspects of this news.

Quantum batteries closer with superabsorption breakthrough
Quantum batteries are now closer to reality, with proof of the idea of superabsorption by an international team of researchers.

This “quantum battery” never loses its charge
The battery works by harnessing the power of "excitonic energy" — the state in which an electron absorbs photons of light.

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