Now, since I like this song so much, I wanted to get a pristine CD copy of it and willing to pay a premium price for it if I had to. However, since it's over 40 years old and an obscure one hit wonder, I couldn't find one. There's certainly no CD single. I found online what looked like a compilation CD with this on it, but that turned out to be a bust, actually something else, so I resorted to second best: buying the MP3 off Amazon. And believe me, it's second best in more ways than one, read on.
Sure, they had three mixes of it as an "album" for the princely sum of £2.97 and these were the files I received:
Great! I eagerly played the original mix, the one I really want, but hang on, it's actually the dance mix! I then played the dance mix - and that was also the dance mix. The files are slightly different lengths by a few seconds, but are otherwise identical. I then played the scrub mix and that really was the scrub mix, which I don't like. Where's my original mix?! I was quite pissed off, I tell you. Still am.
On top of this, the MP3s are only 32kb/s stereo, very low indeed, although they do sound ok, surprisingly. Why can't they manage the full 320kb/s?
So, I used the instant message function to contact Amazon (this is always hard to find, thanks Amazon). I explained this very simple problem very clearly, asking for a copy of the original version that I'd paid for and included the order number, yet droid "Chetan" managed to get completely flummoxed by my simple question and offered me a full refund straight away thinking I'd asked for that. I'd include the transcript, but it disappeared when I ended the chat. I actually had to ask him if he was human or a bot, whereupon he claimed to be human. Do we believe him, kids?
Anyway, he said that there was no option available to him to give me the correct file, so I accepted the full refund. Ok, so I got my money back and Amazon are always great like that when something goes wrong, but I'm not too happy. While I now have a free copy of the dance mix which isn't too bad a mix, I still can't find a full CD quality copy of the original and I have to keep on looking.
It also looks like Amazon have no escalation process to fix errors like this, so how many other customers are getting disappointed like this? How many do they just get away with when they can't be bothered to report it due to the low price? This isn't good enough. I suspect that this song gets hardly any sales now due to its obscurity, so probably not very many, but the point is still valid.
If you want to buy these tracks, they're available here, but remember, you won't get the original version.
@Mars @Tiffany you'll be interested in this one.