Even typing a secure password on a keyboard isn't safe with AI listening in.
Note that using 2FA will block this attack, however. Still, it's pretty bad if someone has your password, regardless.
Note that using 2FA will block this attack, however. Still, it's pretty bad if someone has your password, regardless.
Scientists have discovered a new AI-driven hacking method that guesses passwords with over 90 per cent accuracy by listening to what people type on their keyboard.
The cyberattack works by using AI to learn and recognise the sound profile of different keys on a keyboard, according to the yet-to-be peer-reviewed research, posted as a preprint in arXiv.
Using a smartphone-integrated microphone listening for keystrokes on an Apple MacBook Pro, researchers, including Joshua Harrison from Durham University in the UK, could reproduce the exact keys with 95 per cent accuracy.
AI-driven cyberattack can now steal your passwords with near 100 per cent accuracy, study warns
Study also recommends ways by which people can mitigate these kinds of attacks