Air ambulance may blacklist regions after laser burns crew member’s eye


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
The "people" who do these attacks are morons. Shame it's so hard to catch and punish them.

It especially irks me when emergency responders are attacked while on duty trying to help people or animals in distress. So fucking evil and senseless.

An air ambulance service is considering blacklisting certain regions from its rescue operations after a crew member was injured in a laser incident.

Alex Clark, 30, had his cornea burned last Friday from a laser beamed at the helicopter during a transit flight back to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance (YAA) airbase at Nostell near Wakefield.

The technical crew member told The Telegraph the incident occurred while he was wearing night vision goggles as the chopper flew over Bradford.

He said the light had “hit my retina - straight after it was quite watery” and that he could not see clearly from between 30 seconds to a minute afterwards.

The laser beam had hit the inside of his goggles, causing a flare-out of the lens.



Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
Here's more info about this problem.

I can just see these small handheld lasers getting banned due to this misuse and that would be a shame. I've got one and it's a very handy gadget as laser light has interesting properties.



Linux enthusiast
1 Jul 2021
510 (0.45/day)
Think there was an issue few years back with lasers being pointed at landing aircraft. \what is the range of these things and what actually are they used for? Surely not just as board pointers/

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