Sabine normally makes very well presented science videos, but here she takes a little detour and talks politics instead, explaining why capitalism is a good thing, enabling freedom and modern life as we know it in the West. Oh and it allows science to flourish, too. If you really don't like capitalism, fancy living in totalitarian regimes like North Korea, China, or Russia? Oh, that last one invaded Ukraine, didn't it?
Now, no system is perfect and the major problem with capitalism is that it tends to be exploitative. Taken to the extreme, think of the abomination that was slavery in the 1800s, also survival of the fittest and the rest be damned. Hence, it does need to be tempered with a bit of socialism to reign this in, something which Sabine doesn't touch on for some reason. Note that too much socialism leads to communisim which is even worse, so the proper balance between the two is critical for giving the largest number of people in a country a good life. Unfortunately, that balance is seldom correct, so ordinary people suffer, but it's much better than nothing.
Watch the video and let us know what you think.
Now, no system is perfect and the major problem with capitalism is that it tends to be exploitative. Taken to the extreme, think of the abomination that was slavery in the 1800s, also survival of the fittest and the rest be damned. Hence, it does need to be tempered with a bit of socialism to reign this in, something which Sabine doesn't touch on for some reason. Note that too much socialism leads to communisim which is even worse, so the proper balance between the two is critical for giving the largest number of people in a country a good life. Unfortunately, that balance is seldom correct, so ordinary people suffer, but it's much better than nothing.
Watch the video and let us know what you think.