This developer, unixsheikh, has done an in-depth analysis on all the major web browsers along with some you've never heard of and found most of them wanting, very wanting when it comes to privacy. They just sell you out, no other way to put it.
Think you're safe when it comes to the privacy-touting Firefox? Think again. Mozilla go on all the time about their privacy focus, yet they're no better than Google, one of the prime movers in privacy invasions - they even admit it in their terms and conditions. Ages ago, I figured out that the much-vaunted Firefox privacy was a lie when I read that Google supports Mozilla financially. Now, this in-depth investigation has figured out the fine details of the privacy invasions by Firefox and many other browsers.
On the plus side, Firefox is so extensively customisable that, with some time and effort, it can be improved greatly for privacy.
Well worth a read and if this makes you feel uncomfortable, it should. Privacy in the modern world is a smokescreen.
Think you're safe when it comes to the privacy-touting Firefox? Think again. Mozilla go on all the time about their privacy focus, yet they're no better than Google, one of the prime movers in privacy invasions - they even admit it in their terms and conditions. Ages ago, I figured out that the much-vaunted Firefox privacy was a lie when I read that Google supports Mozilla financially. Now, this in-depth investigation has figured out the fine details of the privacy invasions by Firefox and many other browsers.
On the plus side, Firefox is so extensively customisable that, with some time and effort, it can be improved greatly for privacy.
Well worth a read and if this makes you feel uncomfortable, it should. Privacy in the modern world is a smokescreen.
In the past I have always supported Mozilla and promoted Firefox, but Mozilla has made some pretty controversial decisions as of late and I no longer feel that Mozilla is an organization that deserves any support. Not unless they change the way they conduct their business.
Firefox is promoted by Mozilla as a privacy-respecting browser, but this is highly misleading. Firefox "phones home" every time you start it up even when you have disabled telemetry and automatic updates of extensions. Domains such as,, (see:,, and are visited each time you start Firefox.
Choose your browser carefully