From the vaults: Execution II - Revenge of the Guillotine


Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (1.10/day)
Where I've been moving house I've been packing and throwing things out, as you do, and I figured it was also a good time to go through the massive archives of clutter I'd accumulated over the years, the Downloads folders of doom across my different laptops etc. and just tried to condense it into a single archive of stuff and also filter out the things I didn't care much about any more.

And so I found this little thing. Execution and its sequel Execution II: Revenge of the Guillotine were some of my more interesting projects in Visual Basic in 2000/2001, the first game was a simple two player Hangman style affair, the sequel had a one player mode with a library of things you could guess from.

And despite the fact the file compilation date is 14/06/2001, all it needed was one DLL (the MS VB 5 runtime, MSVBVM50.dll) and it seems to work flawlessly on Windows 10.

I didn't make good UI in 2001. I'm not sure I'm better at it now - but this all worked, didn't behave weirdly, didn't crash, didn't pull any of the really silly bugs.

Definitely one from the vaults.



Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,399 (2.61/day)
Where I've been moving house I've been packing and throwing things out, as you do, and I figured it was also a good time to go through the massive archives of clutter I'd accumulated over the years, the Downloads folders of doom across my different laptops etc. and just tried to condense it into a single archive of stuff and also filter out the things I didn't care much about any more.

And so I found this little thing. Execution and its sequel Execution II: Revenge of the Guillotine were some of my more interesting projects in Visual Basic in 2000/2001, the first game was a simple two player Hangman style affair, the sequel had a one player mode with a library of things you could guess from.

And despite the fact the file compilation date is 14/06/2001, all it needed was one DLL (the MS VB 5 runtime, MSVBVM50.dll) and it seems to work flawlessly on Windows 10.

I didn't make good UI in 2001. I'm not sure I'm better at it now - but this all worked, didn't behave weirdly, didn't crash, didn't pull any of the really silly bugs.

Definitely one from the vaults.

View attachment 634

That's really pretty cool when you find files from the past, especially great when you can manipulate them now with improved tech, if that's what you are referring too, that you made it work.

I like the signature you added. It's true, we all have personal battles and we should be kind to each other!:)


Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (1.10/day)
I dunno if I’m honest... I’ve moved house before but this time feels way different. It’s all emotional and just strewn with the memories of things that could have been but didn’t come to pass. So many more regrets than any house move I’ve had, even the one where my parents split when I was 10.

Something about looking back at the past has just been deeper emotionally and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s where I’m getting a little older… I want the world to be full of simple joys again.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,399 (2.61/day)
I dunno if I’m honest... I’ve moved house before but this time feels way different. It’s all emotional and just strewn with the memories of things that could have been but didn’t come to pass. So many more regrets than any house move I’ve had, even the one where my parents split when I was 10.

Something about looking back at the past has just been deeper emotionally and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s where I’m getting a little older… I want the world to be full of simple joys again.

I totally understand and it's a very difficult place to be in, especially when you are supposed to be productive in getting ready to move, yet you touch something from the past and a wave of emotion can hit you like a brick when you didn't expect it. Moving is one of the most stressful events in anyone's life and I understand too, how this move may be a more pivotal change in your life compared to others. I know when my husband and I move again, we will move into a smaller house, my daughter will likely be married and we will be living the Senior life, however that is going to look. I'm planning on embracing it, if at all possible....and hoping for continued good health. That's the depressing part, that once you are retired, now you are less agile or whatever. Well, not me, I'll fight!

I do understand, as well.... that as we get older we tend to look at our past and evaluate it and sometimes the regrets and "what if's" can really take you off balance. When I get this way, which does happen, especially for me now too, as I'm much older then I'd rather be, but when I do get mellow, I look at where I'm at now and how I got here and realize that all of the paths I took led me to this place and most of all, these paths gave me my family. Without them, I'm not a whole person. In the same reality, I also have my friends in my computer that I get to laugh with everyday, which is also a gift, when you find like minded people to have silly or sophisticated conversations with that are relative to today's society and all of the challenges modern life throws at us everyday, what else is there?

Sure, there's the monetary and materialistic parts of life that sometimes are frustrating, when you "wish" to be somewhere, or you "wish" that you had achieved something. My husband is a business man, so he thinks up "business" sayings all of the time, and the one that he uses often, is, "You become what you think about", meaning (imagine you are talking to a 16 year old that just wants to play online games), that if all you do is play games, then that's all you will be good at are the games...but if you start putting a plan together of what you want to become more, the more you think about that goal and apply it, the more likely you will start reaching some of those milestones.

I have regrets, I made a lot of mistakes in my early young adult life, but those I don't look back on, except to grimace or say "ewww". Now, that I'm older, I can see where one path will take me and it's so much simpler. I'm also more forgiving of "me" when I goof up something.

Being around healthy people is also important. Toxic people can really bring you down. I just had this conversation with an old friend of mine in text yesterday. I have a lot of real life friends, but very few that I would really call a true friend.

I think, just realizing that you are craving a more simple life of joy, is a good place to be in to create more of that!
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