If you have a garden, please help the animals that inhabit it. Here's how to help robins.

A robin can use up to 10 per cent of its body weight to keep warm on a single winter night, so unless it can replenish its reserves every day, a cold spell can prove fatal. This is particularly hard for them because daylight foraging is reduced to just eight hours or less, compared to over 16 hours during the summer. British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) research has shown that small birds must spend over 85 per cent of daylight hours just foraging for food to be able to consume enough calories to survive the long night.
Without supplementary bird feeding in gardens, up to half of our robins could die of cold and starvation. Robins are particularly susceptible as they remain faithful to their gardens no matter what the weather.

Robin to the rescue! Tips on saving our favourite festive bird this Christmas
Robins can get into difficulty during prolonged cold spells but here’s how to help.