Indie games


5 Aug 2022
829 (1.08/day)
Are indie games worth your time? This is a post I would've made a while ago, though felt like there's a definitely better time for that, and that's now.
The core argument is if:
A. indie games are overtaking the mainstream, and
B. to most of my friends, games are still so-so forms of entertainment.
Theoretically, is gaming (edit: indie and regular) as good of a hobby as before? IMHO due to microtransactions they're business mogul run these days.

My current indie games are Neodori Forever (like Outrun, a Sega arcade game), Akane (cyberpunk slash em up), and the more AAA driving titles usually. The games I usually opt for have no grind and are very like in the Playstation games I grew up with.
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Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,337 (2.66/day)
Any game is worth my time if I don't have to grind too hard to get somewhere or win something. When the game designers make it too hard, I get frustrated...sorry, maybe I'm not a true gamer lol. Gaming is supposed to have a fun component right? So if it's a good indie game, well designed and different from most of the main games, yeah, I think it would be worth my time.


5 Aug 2022
829 (1.08/day)
Games like all products get produced for the needs of the times, I honestly do my best to evoke deeper answers by being clear with my questions. Something (including sims and boring games) all games have is fun, and indie or not it's more of finding whether games are acquirable, playable and worth the time.
I prefer list format:If indie games are searchable or at least the ones available are good (whether they're designed for 30+ and whether they're relatively worth it too), and I find that when games are suited for players they can find more fun. It all depends on constraints creating format.
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Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,386 (4.51/day)
Unfortunately, I've not played any games for many months now due to various reasons. However, when I do, I have to agree with what Tiffs says here:

Any game is worth my time if I don't have to grind too hard to get somewhere or win something. When the game designers make it too hard, I get frustrated...sorry, maybe I'm not a true gamer lol. Gaming is supposed to have a fun component right? So if it's a good indie game, well designed and different from most of the main games, yeah, I think it would be worth my time.

I want the game to be enjoyable and not too taxing, so I often find myself setting it to the easiest setting. There's zero fun in hitting a spot, or multiple spots in a game where I just can't get past it. It might feel like a "challenge" for some, but to me, it's just one almighty headache that I could do without. In fact, if this happens, I may well abandon the game and this is what happened with Stray after I couldn't get past a certain point - where those red things ran after the cat, swarmed it and killed it every time no matter what I did - even after Googling for help and talking to friends who'd played the game. I'd be happy for a hack to get past points like that tbh as I did like the game otherwise.

This point goes for indie and games and big hitters like Call of Duty alike. Thankfully, CoD is designed so that these pain points are largely absent, especially when set to easy.



5 Aug 2022
829 (1.08/day)
I find the opposite to be correct as well. I'm not a fan of linear games, unless they have something that is worth playing for - like co-op. I get incredibly bored when the game is too easy or calibrated in a way that you can tell it wouldn't be enjoyable as it is for hours and hours. I like to think it's savvy though it's probably just ADD. I have a much more low threshold for stretches of dull grind. GT7 almost hooked me until the GTR9 I bought controlled badly.
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