Insulate Britain anarchists cause trouble again


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,151 (4.46/day)
How do the court injunctions not stop them? Where is the enforcement? It means nothing without that. These people should go to jail and be left there.

The IB leader even went on the radio the other day and said he didn’t even care about the issue and admitted, with a smirk, that he’s a hypocrite. What he didn’t do is explain why he’s doing it.

How is the ringleader not rounded up, tried, and thrown into jail?

Insulate Britain blocks M25 to demand insulation of UK homes despite injunction


Well-known member
13 Jun 2021
151 (0.11/day)
See, I had to go and look up Insulate Britain, as I'd no idea what their deal is... I honestly thought - based on the name alone - that they were militant Brexiteers.

...To be honest, I'm still a little perplexed.

Their endgame is for UK homes to have insulation fitted on the Government's (ie. the Taxpayer's) money... OK, I can see how it would make sense to subsidise it, and encourage homeowners - and those whose business it is to build houses - to ensure insulation is fitted.

But they additionally demand:
That the UK government immediately promises to produce within four months a legally binding national plan to fully fund and take responsibility for the full low-energy and low-carbon whole-house retrofit , with no externalised costs, of all homes in Britain by 2030 as part of a just transition to full decarbonisation of all parts of society and the economy.
I'm sorry, I just don't see how that works. If Insulate Britain had a plan which they could present to the Government, this might carry some weight, but it reads as though they expect this 'legally binding national plan' to appear magically, out of thin air within their specified timeframe?

...And precisely how does this relate to blocking roads and motorways, causing untold problems - including, but certainly not limited to, wasted petrol - for drivers? Some of whom could, conceivably, be builders and homeowners en route to obtaining or fitting insulation to their homes.

Antics like these are precisely why our current Government seeks to curtail our right to protest. I don't object to the concept of protests bringing attention to the need for home insulation, but it kind of needs to be appropriate to the cause, and this just ain't.

I mean, I don't entirely trust Sky to deliver balanced news coverage (they are another Murdoch vehicle, after all), but this really comes across as domestic terrorism, perpetrated by a bunch of people who aren't aware they're being manipulated in a nonsensical crusade, spearheaded by someone who doesn't even believe in the cause.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,151 (4.46/day)
I agree with all of your post, Hex.

...And precisely how does this relate to blocking roads and motorways, causing untold problems - including, but certainly not limited to, wasted petrol - for drivers? Some of whom could, conceivably, be builders and homeowners en route to obtaining or fitting insulation to their homes.

Yeah, they supposedly think that they can achieve their allegedly laudible aim by blackmailing the government with ever greater disruption of Britain's traffic. So, they envisage that the government (any government) is gonna think, "Oh ok, we better meet their aims or we'll suffer the consequences" and then set about meeting their demands post haste.

It's immediately obvious that this is absurd. No government, of any flavour, would ever concede to such blackmail, which is why I'm calling them anarchists and not protesters and I think that this supposedly laudible aim is just a pretext for trying to get away with causing disruption. I don't remember any government ever conceding under these circumstances, in fact. I reckon that perhaps there's a hidden agenda here, which would make more sense... or maybe these people really are that stupid, I don't know.

I know what would nip these "protests" in the bud though: a sprinkling of police brutality. These idiots like to superglue themselves to the road, right? That's insane and the police currently then dutifully somehow unstick them while causing mimimal injury - I'd really like to know how. They apply some chemical, perhaps? Well, how about if, instead, they just ripped their hands from the road, leaving the skin behind? Warned them beforehand that they're gonna suffer some extreme pain with a side of life changing injuries if they pull such a stunt and damn their human rights? After a couple of times of this horror, they'd stop gluing themselves post haste for sure.

For the protesters who haven't glued themselves, treat them very roughly, not being afraid about causing injuries and bundle them off in the vans quickly and humiliatingly. Again, damn those human rights.

As it is now, what a way for these "protesters" to abuse those human rights for the purpose of blackmail on the pretext of a laudible aim.
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