Jacob Rees-Mogg parrots Remainer line as a "benefit of brexit". Yes, seriously


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,142 (4.45/day)
You really couldn't make this stuff up. These tories are so full of shit, especially Rees-Mogg. I so hope they lose lots of seats in the local elections and go on to lose the general election before they completely ruin this country. They've done enormous damage already.

This editorial really nails it. Here's the core of what Rees-Mogg said:

On a visit to the Eurotunnel terminal at Folkestone, hi-vis gilet over his double-breasted suit, Rees-Mogg announced that the government was delaying yet again the imposition of post-Brexit border checks on imports from the EU. He asked the public to celebrate this decision, on the grounds that it would save £1bn a year and help hard-pressed consumers by avoiding an increase in the cost of imported food. Enforcing post-Brexit checks, said the minister, “would have been an act of self-harm”.

You read that right. Jacob Rees-Mogg, arch-leaver and longtime loather of the EU, is now parroting lines from the remain campaign. He is admitting that implementing Brexit in full, honouring the 2016 promise to take back control of Britain’s borders, would be “an act of self-harm”.

He really thinks people are so thick that they won't realise that he's parroting Remainers and thus admitting that brexit is a terrible idea.



Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,577 (2.42/day)
If I'm understanding the dynamics of the issue here, Italy, France and Spanish farmers get a pass on border checks, yet the British do not on imports/export border checks and because of this it's causing great financial harm to the British farmers? In addition, the move by the Tory arm of government is destructive to the people of the UK overall, because it's also affecting their cost of living? This is also a left over issue from Brexit?

An American perspective ~ the Republican's in the US are pro-business, fewer regulations. The democrats in the US favor extreme taxation; are Corporate Socialist. With that being said, the US Republicans and Democrats have very little distinction anymore except with a few senators and representatives that do stand out for what made these political parties hallmark differences. In the US, we have a lot of border crossing mayhem and this issue is polarizing among many other issues. American's are so not united anymore on national issues. The division is extreme; internal "self-harm" and destruction is also on it's trajectory in the US.

I've been asking for a long time.....why can't people just get along? When I meet people that are on another page then me on politics, there's no judging from me. Same for any other issue that in the US, seems to be constantly stirred up like race, religion and gender. It doesn't really matter to me. People are people from all sorts of cultures and backgrounds. If they are pleasant and respectful, that means a lot.

I understand your frustration, totally!!


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,142 (4.45/day)
Yeah, that's about right with the border checks. Brexit makes it a lose-lose situation for us.

We're literally the only country in the world, ever, to impose sanctions on ourselves. The stupidity is mind boggling, beyond retarded. And there's evidence that this is actually Putin's plot to help destabilise the West by weakening us and causing internal divisions.

Bastards like Nigel Farage who was instrumental in making brexit happen are mysteriously pro Russian. More than that, Farage recently got paid over £500K from the Russia Today (RT) "news" channel. Odd, isn't it? What could he have done for them that was so incredibly valuable? That remains unexplained.

Yes, it's a shame about the political divisions that you have over in America. There's a lot more overt racism over there than here, too. Here, they just do it in a more hidden, underhand way.

I've been asking for a long time.....why can't people just get along? When I meet people that are on another page then me on politics, there's no judging from me. Same for any other issue that in the US, seems to be constantly stirred up like race, religion and gender. It doesn't really matter to me. People are people from all sorts of cultures and backgrounds. If they are pleasant and respectful, that means a lot.

Exactly. I take everyone on their own merits, regardless of race or background. Unfortunately, the human race as a whole, isn't like that so we have all these problems.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,577 (2.42/day)
Yes, it's a shame about the political divisions that you have over in America. There's a lot more overt racism over there than here, too. Here, they just do it in a more hidden, underhand way.

It is. America really isn't a racist country. It's certain people that have been in the political game for many years, that continue to blame everything on race when it can be woven into their agenda. The news makes America look racially ugly, because they are in the business to make news. Their agenda is divisive, particularly to young impressionable people that take the media at their word and fail to do their own research. The same people have been indoctrinating our youth for decades and not teaching true history, and social studies.

Our government also does weird agricultural programs. They pay farmer's not to grow crops. (Fill in your favorite expletive here🙈)
Paying farmers more money not to farm

I'm all for conservation and protecting the earth. I'm not for sacrificing human life by starvation to save some endangered frogs.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,142 (4.45/day)
I'm glad to hear that America isn't as racist as the media makes out. Unfortunately, it's certainly true that the stories that they report on and the way they report them tends to be whatever makes them the most money. That's why an impartial, government funded organisation like the BBC is important for reporting accurate news. Unfortunately, it's not as impartial as it should be, especially with the stooges that the tory party have installed right at the very top recently.

What about guns in America? The possibility of getting shot by some nutcase with a gun scares me. I know it's possible in Brexit Blighty too, but much less so since guns aren't so prevalent. Is the gun problem as bad as is made out, in your experience?


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,577 (2.42/day)
Propaganda is in all news, which is why I try to take it in from various sources. Usually, my sensei skills or spidey senses can figure out the truth or close to it. I do try to be unbiased. Living through the last presidency taught me so many lessons.

On guns in America ~ We're not the wild wild west anymore but the news makes us look like we're stupid country gun carrying religious nuts. The people with guns that are a threat are still your criminals. I'd rather have a concealed carry gun person around me in a threatening environment rather then be defenseless. I always go back to the heart of the family. When children grow up in a positive environment or the best possible, no family is perfect, children grow up with values.

The massacre's have increased in public settings (back to the Obama years) and that does concern me; which I do believe it goes back to people with either mental illness or they are so traumatized by the news, they determine the only way to fix it is to kill people. That falls in with your post on personality types. I do believe most people know when they have a relative or a friend that has issues too. Having been a victim of a crime, when I was 17, in a mall parking lot, I've remained alert and follow some safety rules.

My best advice is don't go out alone at night, keep a pocket knife on hand, don't go into dark places, try not to party late, be very familiar with the part of town you are in and use common sense and maybe even learn some basics of boxing or jiu jitsu . Having some skills on foot and a ground game can be very helpful anywhere. You know places where you should avoid in your area, same here for the DFW area. We know were not to go and your friends will too. I do not feel threatened anywhere I go, but honestly, I don't go to the places I used too, pre-pandemic. I don't like movie theaters, as they are spaces where you are trapped. I always like an escape route.

Jeez....did I just ramble :LOL:
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