Joe Biden signs into law landmark gun control bill


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
Well, it's a step in the right direction. From my perspective here in sunny brexit (spit) Blighty, Biden is a good president. I just wish he was 20 years younger is all.

The most significant US gun control bill in nearly 30 years has been signed into law by President Joe Biden.
It imposes tougher checks on young buyers and encourages states to remove guns from people considered a threat.
Congress approved the legislation with bipartisan support this week, following a spate of mass shootings.
"While this bill doesn't do everything I want, it does include actions I've long called for that are going to save lives," Mr Biden admitted.



Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
I'm still processing this gun control bill. I do agree, that young adults between 18 and 21 should have extra scrutiny though. There are too many unstable young adults in America. No parenting, guidance or mentoring....leaves kids without a support system. Tragic.


Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (1.22/day)
Wait for the states to start filings against it for being unconstitutional. It's not, of course, based on a superficial reading of it, but that's never been an obstacle before!

The 2A merely states that rights for owning weapons for the purposes of forming militias will not be restricted. But then we're back to the fact that there should be no need for mlitias in modern America seeing how police forces exist. No doubt there will be those who argue this is against the 'right to bear arms', and depending on how much money gets tossed where, it'll be pushed back.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
There lies the problem with lobbyist. If you don't have enough money to sway the controlling party, you won't be able to keep the legislation you want. Chilling.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
People, I've put this conversation into its own thread as that seems more appropriate, giving it greater visibility.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
No one is happy here in America. Everyone is angry and I'm sure ready to torch the cities the whole summer for all of the SCOTUS rulings. When did America become so barbaric? Seriously, if people would just talk to each other....:confused:


Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (1.22/day)
Everyone’s too busy shouting at each other, demanding to be heard, and social media has normalised that all views are acceptable.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
Everyone’s too busy shouting at each other, demanding to be heard, and social media has normalised that all views are acceptable.
There's a sentence that says a lot in every word with true meaning. Yes, everyone is too busy trying to be the loudest person so they will be trending on social media for whatever shocking behavior they will be known for, for however long that lasts. Is it really worth it to have those bragging rights to deviant or angry behavior caught on camera?


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
It's the ultimate in shallow, narcissistic behaviour and I despise it.


Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (1.22/day)
You'd think - but I genuinely think the time has passed when people would care. I remember the era of the internet when relative anonymity was a thing, when people would take pseudonyms but the worst offenders would always be the most generic and abstract of the pseudonyms - but with social media encouraging people to use their actual names, people seem more willing than ever to own their behaviour, however unpleasant that might be.

I don't remember a time when some of the more reprehensible opinions were not merely owned by their poster under their own name, but revelled in. Offensive opinions are no longer a thing to be hidden away but worn as a badge of pride.
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