This means that she's never getting out of jail: there's no hope of parole so she'll die in there. Her life will be no picnic, either. Justice has been done.
I wasn't gonna sully my forum with this horrible woman, but this sentence is really significant and also satisfying. Too many murderers get so-called "life" sentences meaning that they're out after around 16 years with good behaviour, which is flat out wrong.
Murdering someone in cold blood should always carry a whole life order in my opinion as their victim has been permanently denied life and the permanent - whole life - suffering inflicted on the remaining family members, some of which may go on to commit suicide over it, hence have been murdered indirectly. I just hope that the families get some closure over their losses and a reduction in mental pain with this sentence.
I think they should add sterilisation to her sentence, ie spay the bitch, like is done with animals. Can you imagine her ever having a baby, how she would treat it and how mortified it would be to know they've got a mother like that. Worse still, what happens if her baby turns out to have psychopathic tendencies like her? It's quite possible, so let's eliminate the chance.
In the article below, there's pictures of Letby and several other psycho serial killers. When looked at together like that, it's striking how the coldness, the total lack of empathy is quite apparent in their eyes and the set of their faces. Now, most psychos are unfortunately not in prison as they haven't killed anyone, or haven't been caught and tend to rise to prominent positions in companies, but it's worth looking out for these telltale signs in people you meet, especially if they seem to be gaslighting you, or otherwise hurting or using you when you know you've done nothing wrong to them, so that you can protect yourself.
Letby will be sentenced at Manchester Crown Court on 21st August. I'll be updating this thread with that sentence.
Please don't post any pictures of serial killers on NerdZone as I really don't like looking at them.
UPDATE 21.08.23
Yeah, this nasty piece of work got that whole life order, as expected. Justice has been done for once. She's gonna rot in jail until she dies and stew over getting caught, ruining her life and is so richly deserved. Her pain and regret will be as nothing compared to that of her victims though.
I wasn't gonna sully my forum with this horrible woman, but this sentence is really significant and also satisfying. Too many murderers get so-called "life" sentences meaning that they're out after around 16 years with good behaviour, which is flat out wrong.
Murdering someone in cold blood should always carry a whole life order in my opinion as their victim has been permanently denied life and the permanent - whole life - suffering inflicted on the remaining family members, some of which may go on to commit suicide over it, hence have been murdered indirectly. I just hope that the families get some closure over their losses and a reduction in mental pain with this sentence.
I think they should add sterilisation to her sentence, ie spay the bitch, like is done with animals. Can you imagine her ever having a baby, how she would treat it and how mortified it would be to know they've got a mother like that. Worse still, what happens if her baby turns out to have psychopathic tendencies like her? It's quite possible, so let's eliminate the chance.
In the article below, there's pictures of Letby and several other psycho serial killers. When looked at together like that, it's striking how the coldness, the total lack of empathy is quite apparent in their eyes and the set of their faces. Now, most psychos are unfortunately not in prison as they haven't killed anyone, or haven't been caught and tend to rise to prominent positions in companies, but it's worth looking out for these telltale signs in people you meet, especially if they seem to be gaslighting you, or otherwise hurting or using you when you know you've done nothing wrong to them, so that you can protect yourself.
Letby will be sentenced at Manchester Crown Court on 21st August. I'll be updating this thread with that sentence.
Please don't post any pictures of serial killers on NerdZone as I really don't like looking at them.
“While an ordinary life sentence comes with a minimum term the prisoner must serve before they can be considered for release, a whole life order is different,” he said. “It means that they will never be released or considered for release, by order of the court.
What prison life will look like for Lucy Letby with no hope of parole
Five years have passed since Lucy Letby was first arrested at her home in Chester. Police banged on the door at 6am on a July morning in 2018, leading the killer nurse away in handcuffs as her father looked on.
UPDATE 21.08.23
Yeah, this nasty piece of work got that whole life order, as expected. Justice has been done for once. She's gonna rot in jail until she dies and stew over getting caught, ruining her life and is so richly deserved. Her pain and regret will be as nothing compared to that of her victims though.
Letby was given multiple whole-life terms - one for each offence - becoming only the fourth woman in UK history to receive such a sentence.
Whole-life orders are the most severe punishment available and are reserved for those who commit the most heinous crimes.
Mr Justice Goss said the "cruelty and calculation" of Letby's actions between June 2015 and June 2016 were "truly horrific".
"You acted in a way that was completely contrary to the normal human instincts of nurturing and caring for babies and in gross breach of the trust that all citizens place in those who work in the medical and caring professions," he said.

'Cruel, calculated' Lucy Letby to spend rest of life in prison
Giving the nurse a whole-life sentence, the judge says there was "a malevolence bordering on sadism".