Now we're rolling! Rolling stock Materieel '64 to be precise, from 1964 to 2016 the backbone of the Dutch Railways. It was nicknamed "Apekop" ("Monkey Head").
And yes, besides being very much into retro gaming and 80s media, fun fact: I am also a massive train nerd! I know an unreasonable amount of trivia about trains in general and Dutch trains in particular. The things I have experienced in these trains. Multiple generations of Dutchies have their own stories to tell, as this stock served for about half a century.
So it made sense to me to include the Monkey Head into my newfound nostalgia music repertoire. With the video editing (a time consuming business) I have put my heart into it, just reviewing huge piles of old footage alone brought me right back. And with this track I think I have found the formula of in which direction I'm taking this music. There are lots of things from the past I am passionate about, so there is more to come!

Note: this track contains a few instances of four letter words (this train is gangsta!), though by no means excessively. But just to give you a heads up in case you are listening at work!