Now you can get smashed without the hangover?


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,142 (4.45/day)
Seriously, this new development prevents hangovers, but hang on as it hasn't currently been tested on humans yet, only on unwilling mice who were abused for this research.

Animal testing ethics aside, while it's an important advance, I can see it being abused by heavy drinkers especially. Thing is, alcohol consumption is never consequence free, with getting drunk followed by a hangover hardly the only effect.

It's actually best not to drink any alcohol ever, but that's never gonna happen, so allowing responsible adults access to some mitigation is reasonable. Thing is, being reasonable is the one thing that drunk people tend not to be, including me (I don't drink anymore, especially after discovering Heineken Zero which has the full taste of beer, but without the hit). I can just see fallout from this development once it hits the market with lots of controversy and eventually heavy regulation.

Scientists have developed a gel from whey protein that breaks down alcohol in the gut and reduces its intoxicating effects, an advance that could lead to a new way of treating hangovers.

Researchers found that the gel, which is yet to be tested in humans, can reduce alcohol levels in the blood of mice by up to 50 per cent and protect their body from the harmful effects of alcohol intake.

Many of the effects of excessive alcohol consumption are caused by acetaldehyde, researchers say.

They found that the gel converts alcohol quickly and efficiently into “harmless” acetic acid before it can enter the bloodstream, where it normally develops intoxicating effects.



Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,577 (2.42/day)
If they succeed, there will be a brand new product on the market for hangovers. Weren't we supposed to bite the hair of the dog that bit us the night before to treat a hangover?😶‍🌫️

So does this mean that people might be able to inhibit their blood alcohol levels with a magic pill and pass a breathalyzer test with the police if they get pulled over? 😵‍💫
With further research, scientists say the gel could be developed into an oral pill that could be taken before or during alcohol consumption to prevent blood alcohol levels from rising, and acetaldehyde from damaging the body.
This would have to be by prescription only. 🤔


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,142 (4.45/day)
Yeah, whoever makes that product will become an overnight millionnaire for sure.

And good point about people being able to fool breathalysers with it. Thing is, could it mean that the person is also not affected by the alcohol and can therefore drive just fine? Only tests will tell. I'll bet there's a bit of controversy about all this once it hits the market.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,577 (2.42/day)
When I think about this product diffusing alcohol, I also think of many people that might abuse this pill and drink more?

I don't drink either, I just eat chocolate. Like many people that have food allergies, alcohol is the same for me; just intolerant. Nice that there's Heineken Zero for people to enjoy the flavor without the alcohol.

Self driving will be another issue with people drinking alcohol. They could get so drunk, they won't even know if the car crashed. I'm not there yet with self driving cars.
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