Today is 1st Jan 2024, a time when so many people have just had a tipple or two, or perhaps a full-on bender, to celebrate the new year, so what better than an educational forum post to ruin all the fun with info about the dangers of alcohol? 
The worst news of all, the real killjoy, is that the best amount of alcohol to have is zero. As in none, ever. Boohoo!! Heck, even I have the (very) occasional beer and don't ever allow myself to get drunk nowadays (horrible feeling). However, if one must drink (naughty!) the maximum number of recommended units per week for men and women is 14, which is around 6 pints of beer and how fast and how many sessions that's consumed in makes a big difference to your risk factors, see box at bottom.
Read all the depressing information that you really don't want to know, but absolutely must, in this article and also the NHS website which has far too many numbers and maths for your alcohol-addled brain to comprehend right now, or perhaps, ever.
Thankfully, new modern zero alcohol beers have been developed recently that taste very similar to their alcoholic versions and hence are quite nice, which can be drunk instead. They're nothing like the gross tasting early versions which I couldn't drink at all.
Gotta admit that it's a weird experience drinking three to four bottles of Heineken 0.0 and not feel any kind of hit from it. The residual alcohol in these products is so low, that one would have to drink something like 40-80 bottles in one session to equal that of just one bottle of the regular version, clearly something that can't happen, hence are safe to drink and you can stand around with friends and still have a chance of looking cool holding such a bottle.
Pro tip: don't ever give alcohol to animals, eg pets, "for a treat", as it can be a literal poison for them (chocolate is poison for dogs, for example) affecting some species and some individuals more than others. Additionally, they can't comprehend what's happening to them, plus they have no off switch so will just keep drinking without limit until they feel sick, hence making them intoxicated is cruel. Don't do it, kids.

The worst news of all, the real killjoy, is that the best amount of alcohol to have is zero. As in none, ever. Boohoo!! Heck, even I have the (very) occasional beer and don't ever allow myself to get drunk nowadays (horrible feeling). However, if one must drink (naughty!) the maximum number of recommended units per week for men and women is 14, which is around 6 pints of beer and how fast and how many sessions that's consumed in makes a big difference to your risk factors, see box at bottom.
Read all the depressing information that you really don't want to know, but absolutely must, in this article and also the NHS website which has far too many numbers and maths for your alcohol-addled brain to comprehend right now, or perhaps, ever.
How bad is alcohol for you really?
According to NHS statistics, just under half the adult population drink at least once a week. The millions of us who enjoy a tipple make a health decision each time we uncork wine or order a pint. Alcohol comes with risks – indeed, there are 200 medical conditions associated with it. The more...

Alcohol units
Find out what a unit of alcohol is and how it's calculated, plus download a unit calculator.

Thankfully, new modern zero alcohol beers have been developed recently that taste very similar to their alcoholic versions and hence are quite nice, which can be drunk instead. They're nothing like the gross tasting early versions which I couldn't drink at all.
Gotta admit that it's a weird experience drinking three to four bottles of Heineken 0.0 and not feel any kind of hit from it. The residual alcohol in these products is so low, that one would have to drink something like 40-80 bottles in one session to equal that of just one bottle of the regular version, clearly something that can't happen, hence are safe to drink and you can stand around with friends and still have a chance of looking cool holding such a bottle.
Pro tip: don't ever give alcohol to animals, eg pets, "for a treat", as it can be a literal poison for them (chocolate is poison for dogs, for example) affecting some species and some individuals more than others. Additionally, they can't comprehend what's happening to them, plus they have no off switch so will just keep drinking without limit until they feel sick, hence making them intoxicated is cruel. Don't do it, kids.