I've hardly ever been in a position where I've needed to do it, but I would if the roundabout is big enough. I think it's a bit hazardous on a mini roundabout as cars are coming onto it all the time, they're not expecting you to go all the way round and there's little time or space to react if a collision is imminent.
So, is it legal? Yes, with a but... see the article for why.

So, is it legal? Yes, with a but... see the article for why.
What is a roundabout sling-shot?
The 'roundabout slingshot' move sees drivers avoid a queue of traffic in a left-hand lane leading up to the left-hand turn on a roundabout by driving around the entire roundabout in the right-hand lane and then shooting into the destination lane, thus avoiding the queue.
Roundabout 'sling-shots': Is the divisive 'driving hack' legal?
A number of motorists have posted videos on social media performing the 'genius driving hack' to navigate roundabouts in the UK - but could performing the move land you with a fine?