Stock investment


5 Aug 2022
806 (1.12/day)
As someone who previously worked in investment banking, I have a few educational resources for preparing for investing. Though, I always wonder about the benefits of jumping into a *shark heavy* game when there's so much scheming already - pump n dump, inflating stock prices, basement boxing etc.
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Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
If you'd like to publish those investment resources on NZ in the Resources section, feel free.

And yeah, one has to be really careful with any kind of financial investment as scammers are always just around the corner.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
Gold, and silver, which hedge against inflation, and purchasing assets, such as Real Estate are the only investments that I would consider. Though, gold and silver have their issues too and you have to be really careful how you buy it, my go to would always be Real Estate. The only tricky part of RE and buying homes is knowing your market. Some states in America have really strong housing markets even during this inflation season, while other states perform poorly overall and usually are predictably poor housing markets no matter the health of the economy.


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
243 (0.33/day)
I have about $1.5K in so-called grandpa stocks... they're not immune to this bear market, but pay me dividends. Unlike gold or silver. So far, they seem to have weathered this year's volatility pretty well and are basically flat YTD, which is the best I can hope for in this bear market which could possibly last a decade. I'm assuming that the Fed continues its hawkish path.

And then there is this disastrous meme stock craze... hoo boyyy... just stay away. Lots of lost money.


5 Aug 2022
806 (1.12/day)
Gold, and silver, which hedge against inflation, and purchasing assets, such as Real Estate are the only investments that I would consider. Though, gold and silver have their issues too and you have to be really careful how you buy it, my go to would always be Real Estate. The only tricky part of RE and buying homes is knowing your market. Some states in America have really strong housing markets even during this inflation season, while other states perform poorly overall and usually are predictably poor housing markets no matter the health of the economy.
Gold and silver were pump n dumped during the Gamestop event, which was similarly ridiculous.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
Gold and silver were pump n dumped during the Gamestop event, which was similarly ridiculous.

That was something to watch with the short selling in Gamestop. Gold has dropped into the $1700 (today $1754.58). I'm rather surprised, since I haven't seen it below the $1800's for a long time.

I have about $1.5K in so-called grandpa stocks... they're not immune to this bear market, but pay me dividends. Unlike gold or silver. So far, they seem to have weathered this year's volatility pretty well and are basically flat YTD, which is the best I can hope for in this bear market which could possibly last a decade. I'm assuming that the Fed continues its hawkish path.

And then there is this disastrous meme stock craze... hoo boyyy... just stay away. Lots of lost money.

That's great you have some good stocks and they are stable! My husband and I did some stock over 20 years ago, both a reliable money market stocks mixed with some volatile stocks. It didn't go very well, though we were also a bit green in the experience. I get your argument for gold and silver not providing an investment return. Our best investment strategy has been in RE so far, more likely works because of our robust economy in our state.

Yes to the Fed's and their hawkish practices. They are breaking apart our economy to the point very similar to 2008's housing market crash, which it is in a nose dive crash right now, along with many other concerns that are affecting successful businesses because of their pursuit of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). While I don't disagree, earth stewardship is important, I do have concerns about forced implementation without the proper planning in blocks of 5 years, 10 years, etc. on how to move forward with policies that make sense without crippling businesses. Employment opportunities only happen when someone takes a risk and creates a business. Without entreprenuers taking those risks because of too much regulation, then you have dwindled opportunity for many to be employed.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
I've wanted to get into money making with stocks and shares for a long time, but the risk puts me off as does the fact I'm just not wired to be interested in the fine details of how this all works - it's kinda boring so I can't give it the time and attention it requires to make a go of it. It's techy stuff that does it for me.

For example, building a forum like this from the ground up and having people actually want to come here and be part of our community is much more up my street, and gives me a great sense of satisfaction and pride in my achievement. :)


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
When I see the word stocks, I also see the words; caution and volatile. It's not in my wheelhouse either to keep up with business markets and their stock performance, however, I do keep up with the business markets overall to watch trends, as well as looking for new changes in laws our dear government might implement.😑

My wheelhouse is building happy websites too.:)


5 Aug 2022
806 (1.12/day)
Yes to the Fed's and their hawkish practices. They are breaking apart our economy to the point very similar to 2008's housing market crash, which it is in a nose dive crash right now, along with many other concerns that are affecting successful businesses because of their pursuit of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). While I don't disagree, earth stewardship is important, I do have concerns about forced implementation without the proper planning in blocks of 5 years, 10 years, etc. on how to move forward with policies that make sense without crippling businesses. Employment opportunities only happen when someone takes a risk and creates a business.
Hedge fund managers seem to be manipulating but it's thankfully being overturned with the Gamestop thing. It's probably a death warrant but the idea of resetting the economy (removing debts, jailing bankers) instead of taking all of our money with a "great reset" should be said more. The only method available is decentralisation despite the manipulation (FED and government alike). As someone fairly apolitical, the government has done almost anything to not help the layman and economy in Britain. Experience seems to show pressure hedge funds and eventually the economy works more like it should.
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Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (1.22/day)
The sad part is that this is all subject to the golden rule - the one with the gold makes the rules. So much of our current societal drama is because those with power are rigging the game to ensure they keep money and transfer ever more of it from lower down the food chain to themselves.

One only has to look at UK politics to see this writ large. Whether it's the energy crisis, the water situation, Brexit, pick any of them, it all comes down to ensuring the rich get richer at the cost of everyone and everything else.

I wouldn't say 'the government has done almost anything to not help the layman', from every position I can see, they seem to be doing everything they can to look after themselves at the direct expense of the layman. The problem is that the politicans and the bankers are complicit in this setup.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
Exactly. "Trickle down" economics my ass. It's all sucking up to the top in the world's biggest pyramid scam.

The sooner this shower of shit are voted out the better. I really can't stand them.


5 Aug 2022
806 (1.12/day)
Trickle down economics predates the pyramid scheme of derivatives imho. Check charts of the housing market, shows the exact same thing.


5 Aug 2022
806 (1.12/day)
I'd like to see a future where it's worth investing in small companies before they get acquired by large conglomerates :p and the stock market is probably the way to go with that.


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
243 (0.33/day)
Even if those small companies had stock offerings, investing in them would bring great risk because they may miss forecasts which would bring the price down. Big money may avoid those stocks because the opportunity cost of not being in more reliable stocks (FAANG and others with wide moats) would be too great. Unless you day trade...

The secret would be to have an exit strategy, and to not get too attached to the underlying company.
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