Stories general thread


5 Aug 2022
843 (1.04/day)
Slightly different to the chat thread, if you have a good story, feel free to share!


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,410 (2.61/day)
OMG, I have lots of stories. :) What kind of stories did you have in mind for us to share? Fiction, Non-Fiction, True-Life stories? :)


5 Aug 2022
843 (1.04/day)
Hrm. I wrote a bookworthy response on here that was unsaved :(
I think if fiction is related to real life then you can include it, but otherwise it deserves it's own thread.

I've been going to before the internet era for the last few days. Heck, yesterday I remembered a dream from a few years ago which inspired/s a entire set of movie ideas.

My ideas and inspirations from that era really formed the person who I am today, especially creative expression - sharing unique concepts.
This isn't really an introduce myself thread but more of storytelling to be honest.
A little about me. Design was my chosen career though it was at a pivotal time for all entertainment industries in that passion was secondary to ability. I have a ton of love for the anims and videos at the time I like a variety of fiction and plan to do a ton of 2010 style literature and movie stuff. LARGE swarths of music videos only made with love and active minds about them. And now we have a dedicated handful.

The dream was of a town filled with statues and buildings that resemble Brighton or somewhere else in England feel-wise. A feeling of the station there, or how it is in the more or less populated areas, a dichomy.
The entire dream is like a physical representation of a bunch of culture. Animated videos - Art, movies and amazing conversations. It could be argued These are things we've as a culture we've lost entirely - especially games, the act of actually playing with each other.

Back then I noticed we (UK) were heading toward economic crisis as most of the industries I was planning on going to have (well you saw) and I'm only now returning naturally to the interest which I had then, as I feel like the general feel of music and the audience... is participating for once.
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Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,410 (2.61/day)
Sorry you lost your book worthy response. 🙁 I was typing some creative writing earlier tonight and lost it because I closed the page before I saved it. Grrrrr! I had to rewrite from memory. It always comes out different 😀

You are very ambitious with a multitude of talent in both creative and technical background!

Dreams have a way of mirroring our lives and our thoughts.

I'll see what I can come up with on behalf of your creative story writing challenge. This may take me a bit, but always looking forward to writing. 🙂


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,596 (4.52/day)
@Crims I'm sorry you lost your draft post. XenForo has an autosave feature that triggers every few seconds to save a draft of your post - green dot on floppy icon while saving - so I don't know why you lost your work. The save function is working now as I write this.

@Tiffany Did you also lose a forum post, or was it something off the forum?

I have a couple of short real life animal saving stories to tell.

In the 1990s, I was driving to work in the morning and coming up to a T-junction, when I saw a pigeon just sitting there in the middle of the road, perfectly calm, waiting to be run over. I wasn't gonna let that happen, so I stopped the car in front of it, turned on the hazard lights and unceremoniously popped it into the car. Note, that it was kinda risky stopping at that particular location from rear end collisions. I then drove to the vet round the corner and deposited it there. I'm glad to say the pigeon made it when I checked up on it later. Can't remember what was wrong with it now.

Another pigeon incident not too distant in time from that last one. I was walking back to my car after work, when I saw three thugs with an injured pigeon discussing how they were going to kill it for fun and laughing. I really didn't like the sound of that, so I walked up to them and offered to take it off them and despatch it, pretending that it was an unworthy POS, in the same way that they were talking. I thought they might turn on me, but surprisingly, they said yes!

I then unceremoniously put this one in my car and drove it home to my mum who's really good with animals. I can't remember the outcome for this one now, but it received the best care possible from her.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,410 (2.61/day)
Nice that you could save some pigeons in their time of need. Heart warming stories of the special care some of our wild life need at times from a human friend. :)

I didn't lose what I wrote in NZ, no worries...:)...I was actually making some changes in a widget on an admin panel improving the message in a paragraph and stupidly closed the page by accident because I was distracted, so I lost that work. My desk is off of my kitchen. Our kitchen is the conversational common area of our house because everyone passes through it all of the time and their lies the distractions.;)


5 Aug 2022
843 (1.04/day)
I would spend my time generally sharing stories at the pub but after working at an CAMRA bar for a time I'm not sure I would, because usually the person I share it with lacks the nuance to understand subtext in 90% of it. And the others who are able to pick up on it usually are busy and it's out of respect. The toxic culture surrounding pubs isn't my thing from my experiences around all of London tbh.

In a round about way, being on here has reignited my interest in creative pursuits eg animation and 'What Would You Do' style writing. The more time I have to spend on thinking out my responses (unlike social media which encourages flippant answering) the more I spend on things that actively make me more fulfilled.
Generally I get my thrills from writing fiction and to a much lesser extent, scripts. A few animations I planned years ago that I've started to observe as composite work and in the way which I actually aspire to write into actual novels. For a while it was like adding lore to an action story - completely irrelevant and now I'm much more riveted by action. I typically befriend the local wildlife. I have a few fox friends and birds that slink around the neighbourhood.

Voice activated trousers :)


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,596 (4.52/day)
I would spend my time generally sharing stories at the pub but after working at an CAMRA bar for a time I'm not sure I would, because usually the person I share it with lacks the nuance to understand subtext in 90% of it.
When he's pissed after a few and looking at you all bleary-eyed, I can well imagine!

In a round about way, being on here has reignited my interest in creative pursuits eg animation and 'What Would You Do' style writing.
Don't worry, we can fix that. :p

I typically befriend the local wildlife. I have a few fox friends and birds that slink around the neighbourhood.
tsk, another sentimental animal lover. @Tiffany sort him out! :ROFLMAO::p

But seriously, if you wanna share cute pictures of your furry and winged friends, we'd love to see them. The competition thread seems to have become the de facto place for this. In fact, I have to post my Cuteness Caturday pic before I forget...


Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (1.10/day)
Speaking of stories, a few friends of mine have suggested that for this year's NaNoWriMo (basically, write a novel in November challenge)... I should compile a list of my stories from my corporate career because I seem to have a knack for picking crazy places to work, such that I have a collection of amazing stories of corporate stupid. I also have a collection of stories from other folks too - kindred spirits and all that.

I can't decide if I should call it "Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes" or "Can't Spell **IT Without IT". I have some pretty weird stories from over the years.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,410 (2.61/day)
Here's my short story from real events that happened yesterday.

All of my neighbors share emails with each other on anything relating to our neighborhood. Yesterday, about 4pm, I received a group email from a neighbor stating that she has set up a Wildlife expert to basically hunt down wild pigs in our neighborhood for her benefit and this hunting would start tonight between 12pm and 2am (started last night of course). We live out in pseudo country, but really not too far out. We are relatively close to any city.

Being an animal advocate that I am, both domestic and wild, my blood boiled for a lot of reasons; the use of a firearm in my neighborhood and the method in which this would take place as in hunting. I'm purposely leaving out details, as the neighbors email was very explicit. I texted my next door neighbor after seeing her reply to this other neighbor that has set up this hunting expedition (we are both on the same page) on the email and let her know that I stood with her on her response, which was basically, no one is authorized on her property for any reason. After a phone call to each other and multiple texts and research on city and state firearm laws, we came to the conclusion that we needed further assistance to stop this. My neighbor and I both emailed our neighborhood group email in protest and cited ordinances and limitations to firearms use on properties under 10 acres. It was an unsuccessful attempt and I ended up calling our local sheriff's department. I expected a call back to my inquiry, but instead had a deputy knocking on my door. Needless to say, after I got over my shock from this unexpected deputy, I spoke with him and shared the emails and our concerns. He also felt that this was not lawful, and could only advise if we heard gunfire to call. He also advised that I call in the morning to speak with the department that enforces code for a better defined advisement on what can be done.

I'm waiting on a call back from the Sheriff's department and meanwhile, my very connected neighbor is contacting people in our local city hall to see how we can prevent this.

The story does not have an ending yet, but there's my real life story of events that just happened.

#Animals Forever!!


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,596 (4.52/day)
This makes me pretty angry too, Tiffs. Hope you can stop this going ahead.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,410 (2.61/day)
There's probably not going to be a final ending to this story. Yesterday, I had spoken to the deputy twice on the phone getting updates on our neighborhood's use of firearm's issue. In summary, the deputy said, City Hall was in uproar, the Game Warden was involved and multiple levels of city code and enforcement were also involved on this issue. I was glad to hear so many were taking the action needed to address this unusual situation, and I'm hopeful that better city code/ordinances will be written for future reference. The deputy clarified that some of my neighbors email had incorrect information and went into detail about code enforcement and my rights as a property owner. As a property owner, the "no trespassing" rule holds, and if "wildlife management" wants to enter my property, they have to have my permission.

I've learned more then I wanted too this week about city code, firearm restrictions and feral pigs.....sigh.

Living in the country you learn more then you want about "country things", you deal with more then you want about wildlife, too, like coyotes howling at night behind your back fence, bobcats walking around like they own the place, and then there's all of the reptilian and arachnid wildlife. 😵‍💫 Funny though, this neighbor doesn't have a fence. Maybe if she would put up a fence, then our neighborhood wouldn't have been taken through this whole ordeal.🙄


5 Aug 2022
843 (1.04/day)
The last time I came back from Portugal I was boarding a plane home with an American woman who seemed really interested in politics. I was making small talk and the subject of the president came up and when I asked it seemed like it was treated like a TV show, with avid gossip for who's interested in who. I'm from the 00s mentality wise, and basically nothing political was ever interesting for the majority of my life. I feel like it's worth noting because I've seen a lot of rise of this ideology of "it's all a big drama". I'm someone who doesn't like drama TV shows, or TV shows in general, and I know for a fact that the UK doesn't either stats wise. Judging by our preferences for classic films instead, Disney however is probably conditioning a lot of people that way tho

I think she was surprised when I replied that I was apolitical and it was a curiosity, because she immediately went cold like I'd made a taboo.
I could go on about it being very tribalist, and very anti intellectual (or at least anti nerd) IMHO..but to be honest it reoccured to me this morning when I was thinking about sharing my opinion: The majority of places are built around this "haze of drama" rather than substance. Any thoughts? It usually feels like speaking at a podium, without the judgement though.
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Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (1.10/day)
For a country that doesn't like drama TV, we seem to make a lot of them both taxpayer and privately funded.

There's plenty of evidence to suggest that drama *is* popular here; Netflix and Amazon Prime wouldn't keep making it if there weren't an audience for it.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,410 (2.61/day)
@Crims Your American passenger next to you, sounds like one of my online fakebook friends. She's WAY over the top political, and sometimes I have to remind her that FB can read her messages.:rolleyes:

Most people don't understand boundaries and one of the worst challenges is flying on a plane next to someone that wants to chat, and you don't. My husband brings his old fashioned ear buds (with the wires), just to make a statement that he's busy in case he's sitting near a chatter box.

Today is political drama day in the US. This is the voting day for the mid-term elections. Hopefully, people will behave at whatever the outcome is, but we are bracing for rioting again. It's all so stupid! Maybe the US needs to take a few lessons from the polite British.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,596 (4.52/day)
Today is political drama day in the US. This is the voting day for the mid-term elections. Hopefully, people will behave at whatever the outcome is, but we are bracing for rioting again. It's all so stupid! Maybe the US needs to take a few lessons from the polite British.
I'm watching it on CNN, love their coverage. Are you watching it? Shame it looks like the GOP is gonna win the senate. It's gonna go on throughout the night, so I'll watch it until I get too tired and then stop.

Just don't take the brexit lesson! :ROFLMAO: What a cluster that one is.


Well-known member
10 Jul 2021
560 (0.47/day)
I have a couple of short real life animal saving stories to tell.

In the 1990s, I was driving to work in the morning and coming up to a T-junction, when I saw a pigeon just sitting there in the middle of the road, perfectly calm, waiting to be run over. I wasn't gonna let that happen, so I stopped the car in front of it, turned on the hazard lights and unceremoniously popped it into the car. Note, that it was kinda risky stopping at that particular location from rear end collisions. I then drove to the vet round the corner and deposited it there. I'm glad to say the pigeon made it when I checked up on it later. Can't remember what was wrong with it now.

Another pigeon incident not too distant in time from that last one. I was walking back to my car after work, when I saw three thugs with an injured pigeon discussing how they were going to kill it for fun and laughing. I really didn't like the sound of that, so I walked up to them and offered to take it off them and despatch it, pretending that it was an unworthy POS, in the same way that they were talking. I thought they might turn on me, but surprisingly, they said yes!

I then unceremoniously put this one in my car and drove it home to my mum who's really good with animals. I can't remember the outcome for this one now, but it received the best care possible from her.
Lovely stories Retro, and both took guts!
Risking rear end collision? Risking getting beaten by thugs? all for the sake of saving a scared little animal, a pigeon who was not going to see the day thru, had it not been for you. But it did, thanks to you....that is truly marvelous.
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