This one will excite nerdy domestic scientists the world over: apparently, the optimum wash is to only ever use the express cycle and a small amount of detergent. Time to get experimenting!
Gotta admit I prefer a long cycle, because I can then put off the chore of hanging my clothes out to dry for longer!
Gotta admit I prefer a long cycle, because I can then put off the chore of hanging my clothes out to dry for longer!

Not only did Richardson reveal that the only washing machine cycle we ever need to use (and he means ever) is the “express” cycle and that dryer sheets are our enemy, but he also informed us that we’re probably using our laundry detergent wrong too. More specifically: We’re using way too much.
This Is How Much Laundry Detergent You Should Actually Use — And Yes, It's Shocking
Unfortunately, we have some bad news for you: You’re probably doing your laundry all wrong.