The human body has unfortunately evolved to eat and need meat in its diet along with vegetables, regardless of what vegetarians and vegans say. In other words, we're omnivores and forcing a strictly vegetarian or vegan diet on it isn't the best for our long term health.
Over the centuries, this has lead to the slaughter of billions (trillions maybe?) of farm animals to satisfy this need in what is basically the industrialised murder of sentient beings. Horrible when thought of in raw terms like that. Thankfully, we now have the technology to no longer require this. Called precision fermentation, we just have to make it fly. Also, efforts to create meat in a lab just from animal cells has had some success in recent years and is still a developing technology.
Just imagine having all the cruelty-free burgers that your carnivorous heart desires. Just imagine eating this delicious tower burger free of the guilt that some animal had to die to create it! This would also apply to supplying food for our pets, some of which are obligate carnivores, like cats. Dogs aren't quite as obligate, but can't survive on a wholly vegetarian diet either.

On top of the huge animal cruelty benefit, it's also fantastic for the environment. Incredibly, the protein requirement for the entire human race could be satisfied using this process in an area smaller than the size of London. All those millions of hectares of farmland around the world currently used for raising cattle and other animals for food can then either be rewilded, or put to other uses.
Over the centuries, this has lead to the slaughter of billions (trillions maybe?) of farm animals to satisfy this need in what is basically the industrialised murder of sentient beings. Horrible when thought of in raw terms like that. Thankfully, we now have the technology to no longer require this. Called precision fermentation, we just have to make it fly. Also, efforts to create meat in a lab just from animal cells has had some success in recent years and is still a developing technology.
Just imagine having all the cruelty-free burgers that your carnivorous heart desires. Just imagine eating this delicious tower burger free of the guilt that some animal had to die to create it! This would also apply to supplying food for our pets, some of which are obligate carnivores, like cats. Dogs aren't quite as obligate, but can't survive on a wholly vegetarian diet either.

On top of the huge animal cruelty benefit, it's also fantastic for the environment. Incredibly, the protein requirement for the entire human race could be satisfied using this process in an area smaller than the size of London. All those millions of hectares of farmland around the world currently used for raising cattle and other animals for food can then either be rewilded, or put to other uses.
Enough protein to feed the entire world could be produced on an area of land smaller than London if we replace animal farming with factories producing micro-organisms, a campaign has said.
The Reboot Food manifesto argues that three-quarters of the world’s farmland should be rewilded instead.
Emissions from livestock farming account for at least 16.5% of the planet’s greenhouse gases, according to a study. A number of experts have been calling for a reduction in animal protein in our diets.

Replace animal farms with micro-organism tanks, say campaigners
Advocates of plant-based protein say 75% of world’s farmland should be rewilded to reduce emissions