The very real phenomena of enshittification


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,151 (4.46/day)
Just sounds like a rude word with little meaning, doesn't it? But no, it actually describes a process by which companies deliberately reduce the quality of their offerings in order to boost profits. The infuriating thing is that they get away with it time after time with little resistance.

Enshittification is a re-prioritization pattern where online product and service providers experience a decline in quality over time. It is observed as platforms transition through several stages: initially offering high-quality services to attract users, then shifting to favor business customers to increase profitability, and finally focusing on maximizing profits for shareholders at the expense of both users and business customers. This process results in a significant deterioration of the user experience.

As a Sky customer, I can see this happening with their service right now. I've got Sky Q and while it has some significant, annoying quirks and limitations due to poor software design (the hardware is very good) there's nothing better coming along to replace it. In fact, Sky are slowly phasing out their satellite TV delivery completely in favour of an all-streaming internet delivery with their Sky Stream and Sky Glass products, which should offer a better service but actually doesn't.

These devices can't record, their program navigation isn't anywhere near as good and one can't keep a recording beyond what Sky allows. For example, with Sky Q, while some downloaded programs had expiry dates on them where the recording is deleted on a certain date and time, the vast majority don't, so a recording can be kept on the hard drive indefinitely and watched as many times as one likes, even after the program is no longer available on Sky. So, a TV series could be available for download for only another three days say, but once on the hard drive, those recordings won't expire. Not so with Sky Stream, where you're at the mercy of the restrictions imposed by the TV channel on Sky, so in my example, you'd have only those three days to watch them before they expire, which might not even be possible, especially if there are over a hundred episodes or so. And anyway, who wants to be under that sort of pressure just to beat some arbitrary cutoff point in order to watch something that they're supposed to enjoy?

Also, on starting playback of a program, the video quality may be quite poor for a while as the system senses the bandwidth available to it and raises it accordingly, especially if one isn't on a superfast connection of 100Mbps or more. I find this distracting and annoying. This happens all the time on Netflix and Amazon Prime, so I expect it to be the same with Sky Stream. In fact, I've noticed streaming only content on the Sky Q box do this, too. Of course, this never happens on a DVR recording of any brand.

I'm a techy guy and I can tell you that there's no technical reason why these streaming only devices have to work like this. All Sky had to do was create a Q box without the satellite reception capability and the customer would be sorted. Also, current Sky Q boxes would work just fine without a satellite signal as they have full download and streaming functionality already, so no changeover required.

Here's another example: Sky Sports+ was launched 11 days ago. It's streaming only and to its credit can deliver much more sport than over satellite as internet capacity is effectively unlimited. However, try shuttling back and forth through a program and you'll find that while it's technically possible, in practice it's virtually impossible to do so for more than a few seconds either way as the program pointer barely moves. I can't believe Sky put out a service like this. And again, no one's complaining about it.

These things are a massive downgrade over Sky Q and what gets me is that consumers are just quietly accepting these limitations without fuss. Even the reviews don't really make much of it, although, they do usually mention these restrictions. I've got roughly four years left until the satellite service is switched off and then I'll have to move to Stream or some other equally crap service.

Oh and of course, prices are generally no cheaper, either.

Yeah, enshittification is real alright and this rude word is very apt for how these big companies are screwing over their customers. Whatever happened to continuous improvement through competition?



Active member
2 Sep 2024
42 (0.22/day)
Georgia, USA
OMG LOL. Enshittification got me. I was about to go to work and scanned down the recent titles and had to come read. First, thanks for the initial chuckle at the word. Needed that.

Upon reading your post, I've been enshittified for years by Mediacom. They shifted (or enshitted) to Tivo which requires wifi and uses streaming. For reasons I will not get into right now, this house has no wifi enabled. So, we have a very old hd cable box that the mediacom tech found in the warehouse. We get cable but not the quality we should get. We pay $367 per month for this junk. I've been told that they no longer support the old hd box and soon, we will be forced to enable wifi and use Tivo. I don't want to freakin' use Tivo. I don't want wifi right now. I want to be unshittified. 💩

If my post has broken any rule, please let me know and I'll edit it. I have forgotten if that s-word is allowed or not but with the title, I thought perhaps it is ok.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,151 (4.46/day)
Your Mediacom situation sounds like a classic enshittification, sorry to hear about it. And that $367 you pay for it is extortionate too, wow.

I'm curious why you don't want to use wifi though. I respect that you don't want to talk about it now though, so perhaps another time, or in pm, as you see fit.

If my post has broken any rule, please let me know and I'll edit it. I have forgotten if that s-word is allowed or not but with the title, I thought perhaps it is ok.
Nah, yer ok. Naughty words are allowed, especially if used for venting like you're doing here, it's right there in the Forum Rules. :) The only thing I'd curb a bit is if someone was gratuitously swearing all the time which I've never seen on NZ. The word filter is also disabled here too, so no auto censorship to worry about, hence no using asterisks or silly things like that required.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
I want to be unshittified. 💩
Glad I wasn't drinking anything on this one. :ROFLMAO:
Nah, yer ok. Naughty words are allowed, especially if used for venting like you're doing here, it's right there in the Forum Rules. :) .
It's refreshing to be able to vent with some colloquial verve and colorful expression at NZ. :)

Enshittification is a heck of a word, and I'm thinking of a few scenario's where I've been enshittified too. Mostly, in the realm of satellite and mobile services. It really irks me when they use psyops to influence our behavior and change their fees and offerings, making you think they are doing you a favor and before you know it, you got (fill in the blank, your choice of cuss word) left for services. :rolleyes:
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Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
I'm curious why you don't want to use wifi
In my experience, wifi is only good with high end hardware, such as a beefy expensive router connected to a computer with a dedicated PCI card. The cheap USB adapters are no good because they overheat and burn, eventually making you yearn for 56k modems.

The neighborhood I'm in has lots of wifi everywhere so the signal to noise ratio isn't that great, especially on 2.4 GHz.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,151 (4.46/day)
eventually making you yearn for 56k modems.
Oh no, don't worry, nothing would ever make me yearn for one of those! :ROFLMAO: I remember how crap that speed was back in the day, let alone now.

My ISP actually still supports dialup would you believe, so for giggles a couple of years ago I connected my old 56K modem and... it barely worked. It was so slow that most pages would just time out after loading a few bits and pieces. One of the few to actually work were the Google homepage, but don't you dare try to search anything with it!


Well-known member
12 Jul 2022
342 (0.35/day)
I'm not kidding. That miniature USB thumb tack made me suffer through the EXACT scenario you describe! Only the Google homepage would load well. This was 14 years ago.
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