Kids everywhere who hate eating their veggies will love this video as their get out of jail card. Easily defeat mummy by simply aiming this video at her. 
But seriously, while the provenance of this video and YouTube channel is in some doubt, I think there's likely some truth to it, especially as it cites certain real conditions and illnesses. With doing only the most cursery fact checking of a couple of terms used, the takeaway I get from this is that the people who suffer ill effects are those who overdo it with the amounts of veg consumed, especially if it's a lot of one type. Otherwise, vegetables are a healthy food to eat that complement a meat based meal nicely.
As usual, moderation is key to everything that one consumes. For example, drinking too much water for a long time will kill you as the bonds between your cells disintegrate. Solution: never drink again. Yeah. Or, hyperventilating too much will make you eventually pass out. Solution: don't breath. Even more practical.
Having said this, I have a friend who hates vegetables. He's 40-something and refuses to eat "vegetables or anything healthy" as he humorously puts it when we go to restaurants and yet, he's perfectly healthy, so eating vegetables clearly isn't a requirement for health, but I think likely does help. Food for thought there when reacting with a potential kneejerk reaction to this video.
Finally, the video-skeptic comments underneath are priceless. Check them out along with the video.

But seriously, while the provenance of this video and YouTube channel is in some doubt, I think there's likely some truth to it, especially as it cites certain real conditions and illnesses. With doing only the most cursery fact checking of a couple of terms used, the takeaway I get from this is that the people who suffer ill effects are those who overdo it with the amounts of veg consumed, especially if it's a lot of one type. Otherwise, vegetables are a healthy food to eat that complement a meat based meal nicely.
As usual, moderation is key to everything that one consumes. For example, drinking too much water for a long time will kill you as the bonds between your cells disintegrate. Solution: never drink again. Yeah. Or, hyperventilating too much will make you eventually pass out. Solution: don't breath. Even more practical.
Having said this, I have a friend who hates vegetables. He's 40-something and refuses to eat "vegetables or anything healthy" as he humorously puts it when we go to restaurants and yet, he's perfectly healthy, so eating vegetables clearly isn't a requirement for health, but I think likely does help. Food for thought there when reacting with a potential kneejerk reaction to this video.
Finally, the video-skeptic comments underneath are priceless. Check them out along with the video.