It's obvious we're standing on a flat surface and know which way up and down is, right? However, it's not quite so clear cut when looked at in absolute terms in the universe. Even the earth isn't flat, but a sphere, despite the deception when looking at flat ground and things that aren't too far away.
This cutely and beautifully animated video from Kurzgesagt explains it all without hurting your brain too much.
This is something that's conveniently never addressed by time travel sci-fi, since travelling in time will also mean travelling in space due to our motion through it, so you'd always end up in space and, will, well, die.
Nerd level: moderate.
This cutely and beautifully animated video from Kurzgesagt explains it all without hurting your brain too much.
This is something that's conveniently never addressed by time travel sci-fi, since travelling in time will also mean travelling in space due to our motion through it, so you'd always end up in space and, will, well, die.
Nerd level: moderate.