Just like the old CRT displays, modern digital displays of any type build up the picture by scanning across and down. The only way to reduce this is to have a faster line scan and is up to the design of the display. The overall refresh rate doesn't have to change. One can even see this jelly scrolling effect on an old CRT, especially when run at 50Hz refresh or lower.
The takeaway is that Apple can fix this if they want to with a really fast line scan using better hardware. Note that the line scan has a maximum time that it can take for the required refresh rate to be met, but the minimum time is a theoretical zero (nothing is infinitely fast) if taken to the limit.

The takeaway is that Apple can fix this if they want to with a really fast line scan using better hardware. Note that the line scan has a maximum time that it can take for the required refresh rate to be met, but the minimum time is a theoretical zero (nothing is infinitely fast) if taken to the limit.

'Jelly Scrolling' on iPad mini 6 Leads Apple to a Class Action Lawsuit
Apple has been hit with a new class action lawsuit over iPad mini 6's jelly scrolling issue and the lawsuit seeks damages in amount.