Ditto. "They" say a lot of things. If you listened to everything "they" say, you would end up a confused mess......and "they" have been saying that artificial sweeteners affect your thyroid function for years.....and now "they" are blaming artificial sweeteners on the recent rise in heart attacks. "They" are also saying that these sweeteners affect your gut biome, destroying the good bacteria.
Apparently this study says that it lowers your "T" cells....interesting and that it would help those with autoimmune disorders. Fascinating!
I haven't used sweetener's for years. Unsweetened tea. I'd be happy with this news when more studies come out with sound confirmation.
As soon as something works in a petrie dish, or in mice, "they" jump up with sensational headlines of some miracle cure, new discovery, whatever.
I believe none of that. I am looking for hard, scientific evidence backed by research.