I'm sick of seeing busybody cyclists nailing drivers with helmet videos of petty transgressions and getting away with it. However, this guy's luck ran out so it turns out that his own evidence has nailed him while the driver got off scott free! 

A cyclist who reported a driver for using his mobile phone at the wheel has found himself being accused of breaking the law.
Dave Clifton, 56, spotted a Range Rover driver holding a phone handset while he was cycling through Belgravia, and he captured the incident on his helmet camera.
But after submitting the video clip to police, they claimed the cyclist had been riding on the wrong side of the road, and suggested that he “could pose a danger to other road users”.
Mr Clifton, from south-west London, has been charged with riding a cycle on a road without due care and attention. He intends to fight the claim at a trial next month.
“It is ludicrous. I don’t know if it is malicious or incompetence,” he told the Standard, branding the case against him “petty”.
The only evidence in the case is Mr Clifton’s own video footage, and he insists it shows he was not on the wrong side of the road.
Cyclist who reported Range Rover driver for using his mobile phone at the wheel accused of breaking the law
Dave Clifton has been charged with riding a cycle on a road without due care and attention