Competition01: closed. Let's get to 1000 posts anyway


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
gidget rz.jpg

And one more.....Gidget our little Chihuahua, who is always under a blanket somewhere :D


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
Oh, bless her, she looks so fragile! ❤️
She is. She stays at about 4 pounds. We always have to watch out where she is. We set up some steps for her so she can have some independence to get on the couch or leave the couch when she wanted too, also to protect her knees and hips from the jumping. My two male Pom's are really good to her. She doesn't know her size and will play tug-of-war with "da-boys" like she's the same size. Of course we don't let her do that, we usually hold onto the other side a bit so she's not flung. :D


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)

I don't have any cats, but here's an adorable Sunday kitty pic that will make you melt!
I think it's a ragdoll?


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
Posting my "today's story" 😁

Most messed up day!! I arrived at my ophthalmologist appointment, 15 minutes early, as I always do, because I like to get there before all of the seniors arrive for the over booked 1pm appointments. I've been going to this doctor for 12 years or more, can't remember long I have this all down on when to arrive, etc. I arrive, and I'm walking down the hallway, and I see my doctor ahead of me. Her back door/office door is open. I politely nod to her and proceed to the patient door that's always locked until that magic 1pm time, then the seniors rush in to sign in, but they can't match me because I'm still faster than them...(no disrespected meant, this is supposed to be a comical moment) while I'm waiting near the locked door, my doctor begins to yell for her staff. I then hear panic in her voice and she calls security. After having a discussion with security and obviously frantic, she then calls the police and exclaims that her office was broken into, while counting the number of computers in her front office. Well, while she's still on the phone, she leans out the door, remembering that I'm patiently waiting and of course I’m eves dropping on all of this. I'm sorry, who wouldn't, be honest....She then tells me that they are closed because she’s getting over Covid. Okay, that's alright...I'll pause for a moment while you process that.......still pausing.....yeah, you figured out how bogus her comment was to me, didn’t you? She’s all masked up and proceeds to tell me everyone was called and told the office would be closed. Here’s the funny part. I was called this past Thursday, by a real person to confirm my Monday appointment. That’s okay….I’ll pause again…pausing…you got it … are you recovering from Covid? Why didn’t you cancel my appointment Thursday in the first place? The big one…and if you are recovering from Covid, then why are you here at the hospital….why aren’t you quarantine?


Staff Member
10 Jul 2021
624 (0.46/day)
Posting my "today's story" 😁

Bet you were not a happy bunny after this episode....and here I thought this kind of cock-up only happens here in England with our overburdened NHS. Obviously I was wrong.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
I'm glad that they nailed these perpetrators.

I didn't know that cats were protected animals so great to find that out, too.

I actually just read that whole article! That poor cat! I'm glad that guy was charged, that cats are protected and exceptionally thrilled about hearing that woman that saw the video cancelled her date with the guy! At least there's a little integrity left under some social situations.

Bet you were not a happy bunny after this episode....and here I thought this kind of cock-up only happens here in England with our overburdened NHS. Obviously I was wrong.

Not a happy bunny, at all!! :mad: I figured it cost me over $10 for gas, 2 hours of my time wasted (drive time; parking garage drama and wait time) and worse, learning that my ophthalmologist for so many years didn't have a truth spine. The US hybrid social health care system is not too far behind UK's. If you don't book your appointments far in advance, you won't get an appointment for a long time, especially with specialists. With the cost of gas, she just helped me decide to return to my local optometrist that's only a few miles from my house. I'm fine with that, it's easier rather then driving all the way into Dallas.

Funny story....I used to manage a dental office ......the dentist I worked for would schedule his last appointments at 4pm. On occaision, he would suddenly have a "board meeting" to go to and would ask me to reschedule his last patient.
He wasn't really going to a board meeting, he was going to his country club to meet his friends for Happy Hour.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
6,165 (4.46/day)
Posting my "today's story" 😁

Most messed up day!! I arrived at my ophthalmologist appointment, 15 minutes early, as I always do, because I like to get there before all of the seniors arrive for the over booked 1pm appointments. I've been going to this doctor for 12 years or more, can't remember long I have this all down on when to arrive, etc. I arrive, and I'm walking down the hallway, and I see my doctor ahead of me. Her back door/office door is open. I politely nod to her and proceed to the patient door that's always locked until that magic 1pm time, then the seniors rush in to sign in, but they can't match me because I'm still faster than them...(no disrespected meant, this is supposed to be a comical moment) while I'm waiting near the locked door, my doctor begins to yell for her staff. I then hear panic in her voice and she calls security. After having a discussion with security and obviously frantic, she then calls the police and exclaims that her office was broken into, while counting the number of computers in her front office. Well, while she's still on the phone, she leans out the door, remembering that I'm patiently waiting and of course I’m eves dropping on all of this. I'm sorry, who wouldn't, be honest....She then tells me that they are closed because she’s getting over Covid. Okay, that's alright...I'll pause for a moment while you process that.......still pausing.....yeah, you figured out how bogus her comment was to me, didn’t you? She’s all masked up and proceeds to tell me everyone was called and told the office would be closed. Here’s the funny part. I was called this past Thursday, by a real person to confirm my Monday appointment. That’s okay….I’ll pause again…pausing…you got it … are you recovering from Covid? Why didn’t you cancel my appointment Thursday in the first place? The big one…and if you are recovering from Covid, then why are you here at the hospital….why aren’t you quarantine?
That sounds quite nasty, but I'm a bit confused. So, she had a break-in, but then lied about it and said that she had covid? Of course, that's such a fail on so many levels. Presumably, even though she spoke to you, no one else got seen either?

Glad you dumped her. I wouldn't put up with that garbage either. There's the wider issue of trust here, since if she's lying about that (and so transparently too) then what else is she lying about? I wouldn't put my trust in a doctor like that.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
That sounds quite nasty, but I'm a bit confused. So, she had a break-in, but then lied about it and said that she had covid? Of course, that's such a fail on so many levels. Presumably, even though she spoke to you, no one else got seen either?

Glad you dumped her. I wouldn't put up with that garbage either. There's the wider issue of trust here, since if she's lying about that (and so transparently too) then what else is she lying about? I wouldn't put my trust in a doctor like that.

Yes, you got it. She totally lied to me. No reason too, and agreed, big trust issue too now. I'm the most approachable person/patient because I get the business as I used to be in it. I can talk their language and we have had good chats in the past; long history in doctor-patient relationship. She could have clearly given me a short explanation and I would have understood and vaulted the info..... it wouldn't have gone anywhere.....but, she didn't. That's okay, buh-bye! 😏 Sayonara....(fill-in-the-blank) 😒


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,578 (2.42/day)
Cuteness Friday ~ Here's Gidget last week, with her big Chihuahua eyes. 🧸 Y'all have a great weekend! :)
Gidget 2.jpg
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