The nearest I want is a *good* CRT effect (several exist, none quite feel right)
That will be because of the very different physical properties of CRT and LCD displays making CRTs impossible to completely replicate. A plasma display feels like a CRT done right, but still has that UV problem (more below). The main thing that makes a plasma display feel like a CRT is that the pixels are phosphor dots lit up by electrons, same as on a CRT, but has none of the focus, shape and brightness distortions of a CRT, making for a great display, especially from further back where the imperfections are harder to see.
I had two used plasmas for a relatively short time (sequentially owned) and really liked the picture, although the visible fizz inherent in how they work wasn't nice to look at, especially from close up, making for a noisy display.
That UV problem is caused by the CRT / plasma also outputting measurable amounts of UV light. Over time, this gives me a fatigued, sick, ill feeling that's very unpleasant. It got so bad eventually, that even just 10 minutes use would bring it on a bit. For this reason mainly, I got rid of my second plasma TV. I also wanted a 4K LCD TV that didn't suffer that image retention and burn-in problem inherent to plasmas. Since then, no more feeling ill when watching TV.
All CRTs had that effect on me, even the small Philips 12" green screen monitor that I had in the 80s and 90s. BTW, that picture was so sharp, that I could clearly see the gaps between the scan lines and looked great. Alas, one day, after not using it for some time, I turned it on to find that it had suffered a frame collapse which resulted in no vertical scan and wasn't worth repairing, so threw it away. I also wasn't gonna go poking around inside to try and fix it due to the high voltages. I've had some bad electric shocks in my life and never again. I don't go anywhere near high voltage. Nowadays, a shock like that could kill me. Don't do it, kids.
Hey, I've gone on a bit!