I'm savvy with the games industry though it's always A. One man lifting and B. Not enough concise good tutorials.
This is in no way specific to the games industry. In any industry, any environment you will find the heavy lifters and the coasters.
As for a lack of good tutorials, I have some theories on this too.
First up, a lot of the tutorials are written... how can I say this charitably? By barely-not-beginniners for beginners. A lot of tutorials assert that things are so without having the knowledge to explain why (and never follow it up). And the result of which is that you have a stunning variety of tutorials that are 'here are the steps I used to build x, now you can build anything as long as you want an x'.
And there are plenty of snippets and thought pieces for super advanced, super explicit things, complete with details why. But the middle part where you already know the fundamentals and you're trying to get from the fundamentals to something more... that's a massive gulf and has always been so.
A thing unusable by a staggering proportion of the populace. The keys are simply too small for many - in practice they are actually smaller than the keys on a current gen iPhone keyboard. And that's before we talk about the problems in general with keyboards and those with motor control impairment.
comprehensive accessibility options
Something I wish more websites bothered to think about. It's genuinely hard. Even 'proper responsive' is beyond many designers these days. It's not just a case of showing/hiding things on mobile, folks. If that's all you're doing, you're probably doing it wrong.
And modern product design, websites and algorithms, is even worse in that regard constantly sabotage of the long term and aiming for kids.
I think the problem starts with the fact that things aren't really *designed* any more.
On the one hand you have all the focus groups, which makes any given thing 'design by committee' (i.e. the least worst option for the most number of people) rather than targeting a specific demographic and designing for them explicitly. You can't accommodate all of the people all of the time, and nor should you. Find your niche, do it *well*. The users will thank you for it in practice.
On the other hand, you have the brain measles that is big-A Agile (see also Scrum, Kanban et al) that are basically attempts to shorten the design phase and design-as-you-go on the hopes you can change course as new things are learned about the userbase and use-cases. Which inevitably means you didn't do requirements gathering well enough up front. (You *can* do agile development but you really have to think about what that means and be absolutely sure about a number of the requirements that you know cannot change ahead of time.)
Also, I leave you with this nugget of imagination which, while clearly satire, absolutely feels like meetings I've been in and been the expert in the room.
If this doesn't explain some of what's wrong with current product design, I don't know what will.