In a more philosophical way… we’re both pretty practical people, my wife especially, so while we might occasionally spend frivolously, it won’t be on any sizeable item - any more sizeable or expensive item will be studied and ruthlessly investigated. Our current washing machine, for example, was the final product of studying 600 different models available.
But if I could be reasonably assured that at least a decent percentage of the money would go where it is needed, I’d be in favour of a bailout in general - prise the fat cats off the money taps, give people a safety net, give them room to breathe so we’re not in this ever-continuing merry-go-round of crises, and the economy will mostly start to heal itself.
You see, the problem is the fat cats diverting funds to themselves - trickle down doesn’t work in spite of the “big bosses make jobs” mantra. It might have been partially just about true once upon a time but it certainly isn’t now. Give workers carrots instead of sticks and watch them rise to the occasion as happy, productive workers. Then watch as the people, happily earning, start spending more. Confidence grows, the market heals, such as that’s a thing.