Technology.....in a way it gives you more freedom to do the things you like. I mean, you want to find info about something, you don't have to traipse to the library, you just google it. Easy peasy. And.... and even if by the time you are done with your online 'research' you could have gone to the library and back, the info and resources at your fingertips cannot compare to anything you could find in your local library.
SO that's about technology.
Now about animals: could not do without them, no way. I have a ready made excuse for letting my garden do its own thing -almost- because of the wildlife it attracts.
That overgrown goji berry bush is the regular meeting place for sparrows. Right opposite their food bowls, and a handy escape when the local moggy parks himself underneath it; they just sit there and laugh at him.
Foxy comes along now and then, goes to sleep in the long grass. Ogling the pigeons, but never yet caught one. Makes an appearance for his dinner every few days, loves my cat's food. He is not too scared of me anymore, and eats from his bowl with me watching near by, what a lovely animal he is.
More animals in my humble suburban garden, and I love to watch and learn their unique ways.