Interested to hear other's views on Mobile Phone apps and online finances.
I recently applied for a credit card and there is a big push to download an app to deal with all banking issues related to the card, no mention could I find of using a normal web page (found one eventually)
I tend to avoid financial transactions via a mobile, they say it is safe but there again CrowdStrike (never heard of them) would have denied the possibility of that world wide IT catastrophe that occurred a couple of days back.
Call me old fashioned but I like a proper screen and keyboard, easier to check the padlock, view the certificate etc
I recently applied for a credit card and there is a big push to download an app to deal with all banking issues related to the card, no mention could I find of using a normal web page (found one eventually)
I tend to avoid financial transactions via a mobile, they say it is safe but there again CrowdStrike (never heard of them) would have denied the possibility of that world wide IT catastrophe that occurred a couple of days back.
Call me old fashioned but I like a proper screen and keyboard, easier to check the padlock, view the certificate etc