Roe v Wade: US Supreme Court ends constitutional right to abortion


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
This is what happens when religious dogma wins over logic and reason.

While this will never personally affect me, I'm still concerned about it as it affects the welfare of fellow human beings, millions of them in fact. Millions of children with significant life problems. Just imagine being a disabled child due to being the product of brother-sister incest. What kind of a life is that to condemn someone to? There's loads more similar examples, all of them awful.

I didn't think it was possible to overturn a Supreme Court decision like this, but this result proves that wrong.

Millions of women in the US will lose the constitutional right to abortion, after the Supreme Court overturned a 50-year-old ruling that legalised it.
The court struck down the landmark Roe v Wade decision, weeks after an unprecedented leaked document suggested it favoured doing so.
The judgement will transform abortion rights in America, with individual states now able to ban the procedure.
Half of US states are expected to introduce new restrictions or bans.



Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (1.22/day)
Supreme Court can giveth and Supreme Cout can taketh away.

The thing to understand: this is not really about religion, or right to life or anything like that. This is an attack on female bodily autonomy. Remember how many states don’t have exceptions for rape or incest, so,e don’t even have exceptions for “it’ll kill the mother” - and that is chillingly the point. It is about ensuring the men are in control.

The Handmaid’s Tale was not meant to be a documentary. Welcome to Gilead.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
This is indeed a very complicated ruling and discussion. I've been watching for the ruling for a few months now. America will be full of rage and there will be riots and violence. Makes me really sad for America that people can't talk to each other anymore about their differences without bringing up the heat level with more violence. This is not what we need right now.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
The thing to understand: this is not really about religion, or right to life or anything like that.
I'd say it's exactly that, because religion is there as a tool for oppression and control of the masses. It's always the christian right who are promoting "pro life" control of women's bodies, insanely, including women advocates who really should know better.

This is an attack on female bodily autonomy.
It absolutely is. Disgustingly so.

I agree with the rest, too.

This is indeed a very complicated ruling and discussion. I've been watching for the ruling for a few months now. America will be full of rage and there will be riots and violence. Makes me really sad for America that people can't talk to each other anymore about their differences without bringing up the heat level with more violence. This is not what we need right now.
Couldn't agree more. As if there aren't enough problems in the world, mankind has to go and add this divisive issue to it.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
Wanna add that this is another damaging Trump legacy since he stuffed the Supreme Court with as many of his right wing cronies as he could.

Let's hope he's taken down as the criminal that he is before he can get back into power as president.



Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (1.22/day)
No, the religion part is the cover, the excuse, the justification. It is not the reason they are doing this.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
No, the religion part is the cover, the excuse, the justification. It is not the reason they are doing this.
Yes that's right. I think we might be having a semantic misunderstanding or something, perhaps.

Those big American televangelist cons are a great example of the species. They're painfully transparent to us as the con jobs that they are, yet they suck in millions of gullible people all the time and are allowed to prosper, only very occasionally getting shut down for the fraud that they are.


Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (1.22/day)
I think we’re on the same page. Those televangelists are a great example: they themselves don’t (normally) believe but those they lure might do. Religion is then the excuse or the justification rather than the reason.

The reason I say this is because if these people who are orchestrating the kinds of things we are seeing truly were Christian, they’d all be going to hell in the express lane for violating various of the tenets of the doctrine.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
It's pretty complex and I'm still taking it all in. Texas has a trigger law that will make abortion illegal once the judgement after the ruling is posted. What distressed me so far, is Arkansas's stance on abortion. It's illegal with exception of the mother in distress....which also included the morning after pill. If a doctor would prescribe that pill, said doctor could be fined up to $100000.00. So to me, this is like telling everyone, there will be no more gas to fuel your car, and the only way you get to move around, is in an electrical other words, the healthcare infrastructure has not been built yet to make sure that people in great need have some sort of health measure of care. I had a long visit with my mom yesterday and she told me about what happened in 1973 with Roe v Wade, and why the law was created on a federal level. It's a profound and personal issue to so many and my heart is just broken for a hammer that came down without some life-line.


Staff Member
27 Nov 2021
84 (0.09/day)
As a Christian myself, I would probably not choose to get an abortion, but I wouldn't force my beliefs on everyone else and make it illegal just because I might not like it. That is insanity.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
Well, would you look at that, corruption allegations already!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called for the impeachment of two Supreme Court justices on Sunday for misleading senators over their views on whether Roe vs Wade should be overturned.

Speaking on NBC’s Meet the Press, the New York congresswoman called for “consequences” for Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, who senators Susan Collins and Joe Manchin said last week had indicated both during their private meetings and testimony under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee that they believed abortion rights to be settled case law.



Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
There is a significant amount of corruption in America; both parties. It's really distressing and hard to really know who to believe anymore, which is why I read from multiple news sources to try and put some sort of truth together. Even then, I can't say that I feel completely informed.


Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (1.22/day)
To be fair, I think 4 of the SCOTUS judges who ruled against Roe v Wade made statements previously about not trying to overturn it because it was settled law etc.

But I think Thomas's comments are the most chilling: contraception and same-sex marriage are clearly next on the hit list.

I reckon term limits need to come in, and for somewhere in the 10-15 year range.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
I agree with term limits and have discussed it on another website. Thomas should have not tossed out his personal feelings on contraception and gay marriage the other day because American's are already at their wits end right now with so many economical issues alone and trying to survive. I was a little confused at what Thomas was referring too the other day until I delved a bit deeper and he's referring to the morning after pill. So, I have to say, that I'm sitting on a fence that I've never sat on before as a Christian, but also as a very sensible person with a heart for people and their personal needs, without any judgement, as I don't judge and to respect what other people need or want...their values not my values, that I shouldn't impose my values. I've lived long enough to see how tragic abortion is, how complicated and difficult teen pregnancies can be and especially, those subjected to rape and incest. There's also a mental health component to this and if a women is totally lost without some kind of guidance or assistance to whatever the outcome will be, then women are then alone in the dark, emotionally defeated from the beginning. Some states are are all in on zero tolerance, about 13 states. I didn't care for the some of the responses from the Republicans on this looked ugly. This is a total mess and the violence is only increasing in the major cities, churches and Christian family practice facilities.


Well-known member
24 May 2022
968 (1.22/day)
The reality is that this isn't going to stop abortion. It'll just drive it back underground where it's going to happen anyway but with a much more significant risk of complications and death.

I wonder how many of these people have seen Dirty Dancing (1987) where it's literally a significant plot point.

For my part, I'm actually withdrawing a little from the internet, there's a lot of noise out there and I think outside of a few specific places, nothing good can come of me wading in with my size-12s (US 14s). Though that is a more general sentiment, I'm also going to try cutting down reading the news and so on.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
Yes, I've seen Dirty Dancing a number of times, and as you have referred to "underground", that's part of the stories my mom shared with me the other day.

Taking a break from the internet is healthy.....I stopped watching the news on TV years ago, to block out the drama, but even that has it's issues except only to have it on while I'm working out. Somehow, it's good for me, because I get really ticked off.


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
Four more Supreme Court Cases outcome to be announced:
That work protection for veterans gets me the most.

These heroes (both ladies and gentlemen) put there lives on the line. If they don't get killed, they might come back with lost limbs and other awful disabilities. They should be treated like royalty for helping out their country by putting themselves in harm's way, want for nothing and be given every support, yet they consistently get treated like dirt.

As far as I know, every country treats their vets shamefully like this. For this reason, and that I don't want these terrible things to happen to me in the first place, I've stayed away from the armed forces.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
That work protection for veterans gets me the most.

These heroes (both ladies and gentlemen) put there lives on the line. If they don't get killed, they might come back with lost limbs and other awful disabilities. They should be treated like royalty for helping out their country by putting themselves in harm's way, want for nothing and be given every support, yet they consistently get treated like dirt.

As far as I know, every country treats their vets shamefully like this. For this reason, and that I don't want these terrible things to happen to me in the first place, I've stayed away from the armed forces.

And I thought this was an American problem with Veteran's care? ☹️ It is shameful. Agreed, they should totally be cared for in every way. While some may not have noticeable disabilities others carry the horror of war and combat in their minds for the rest of their lives.


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
That's an understatement. In sunny brexit (spit) blighty, they can quite easily become homeless, too. I think it might be similar in America, not sure.
We have so many homeless, it's unbelievable and Veteran's too. Austin, Texas, is now like San Francisco, Ca. The city has a huge problem with homeless. Dallas is getting that way at the downtown area.

*Laughed at your writing technique use of (spit), I shouldn't have but it caught me off guard. ;) That will be one of those writing techniques I'll remember from now on, like when people use the word "crickets" and similar words to define a thought moment. :giggle:


Staff Member
4 Jun 2021
5,182 (4.51/day)
That’s horrible about the vets. So scummy to do that. I just don’t get it as the money is there.

Oh yes, I can have some quite ironic humour lol. Glad ya liked it. :)


Web Diva
Staff Member
13 Apr 2022
2,269 (2.71/day)
Texas has money, but at the rate of migration to manage our border, it's slowly eroding. Have you looked at America's debt?

United States Debt Clock:

This to me is very scary; 30 Trillion plus. :eek:
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