I can't imagine a second time dimension running in parallel with the first, can you? Well. these scientists sort of did it with a psuedo second time dimension in order to prevent qubit decoherence, the bain of quantum computers where they stop behaving quantumly. And lasers. Always lasers...
Nerd level: hardcore.

Penrose tiling: a non-repeating 5D dimensional pattern squished down to just 2D
has something to do with this
Blow your mind, here:
By shining a laser pulse sequence inspired by the Fibonacci numbers at atoms inside a quantum computer, physicists have created a remarkable, never-before-seen phase of matter. The phase has the benefits of two time dimensions despite there still being only one singular flow of time, the physicists report July 20 in Nature.
This mind-bending property offers a sought-after benefit: Information stored in the phase is far more protected against errors than with alternative setups currently used in quantum computers. As a result, the information can exist without getting garbled for much longer, an important milestone for making quantum computing viable, says study lead author Philipp Dumitrescu.
Nerd level: hardcore.

Penrose tiling: a non-repeating 5D dimensional pattern squished down to just 2D
has something to do with this
Blow your mind, here:

Strange new phase of matter created in quantum computer acts like it has two time dimensions
By shining a laser pulse sequence inspired by the Fibonacci numbers at atoms inside a quantum computer, physicists have created a remarkable, never-before-seen phase of matter. The phase has the benefits of two time dimensions despite there still being only one singular flow of time, the...