Just as a new, hyper infectious and deadly variant of covid strikes the world, there's new hope of a future super vaccine with the capability of nuking it and all the other strains, a true silver bullet. And it's all down to thapsigargin extracted from a poisonous plant! It's amazing how nature normally has all the answers if we just look hard enough.
Unfortunately, we're still years away from a vaccine made from it, but it's still excellent news that we have an avenue of attack against this awful virus that's claimed the lives of so many, including that of people whom I knew personally.
Unfortunately, we're still years away from a vaccine made from it, but it's still excellent news that we have an avenue of attack against this awful virus that's claimed the lives of so many, including that of people whom I knew personally.

Molecule Derived From Poisonous Plant Blocks All SARS-CoV-2 Variants in Cell Cultures
The plant-based antiviral agent thapsigargin (TG), derived from a group of poisonous plants known as 'deadly carrots', appears to be effective against all variants of SARS-CoV-2 in the lab – and that includes the quick-spreading Delta variant.